
all of these are so full of win! i wholeheartedly agree with this post!

i dont understand why people always ask why when something like this pops up. someone made the mod because they wanted the interface to look like windows 7. other people like it too, so they will download it. thats why. its that easy.

@Confuzius: but you cant with windows. and thats what its for.

@noodle: the trick is to download safely and wisely. never use keygens or cracks or any other kind of program that injects code into another program.

@noodle: oh, and my computer is comprised of mostly pirated material.

i always stay signed in, i view celebrity news, i update windows every 4 months or so, i use bit-torrent exclusively for my downloads, i know countless ways to get free porn and i allow my 4 year old to play free online games.


@Yeah!: that is the funniest thing i have seen this week!

works like a charm for me. i LOVE LOVE LOVE this! i have a personal email and one i use for business. good to be able to switch on the fly.

@redangel7: both of you assume that i will be using my tablet for corporate or travel purposes. this is the ultimate oversight by apple and many other companies. im not part of the apple demographic. i work close to my home and dont travel often. but i would like a device for when im outside, standing around my house

if you can install windows applications of any kind on it, then it has already stormed the castle. battery life be damned.

their recognition software seems really flimsy. i know this because i write so much softwarez.

@screemname: youre confusing who we hit. we hit an innocent populous, not the raging military. its was a means to end end, sure. but if i wanted you to stop hitting me i could just go and kill your whole family and leave you left standing there. which is EXACTLY what we did. the american military killed everyone

it may have ended the fight with japan, but it is the single most shameful moment in human history. the voluntary slaughter of all those innocent people...so horrible.

@ripfire: i love the bookmark bar. cant live without it!

@darkgroove: no, i think i will just leave my blanket on the floor and my pillows crammed in the space between my wall and mattress until i retire each night. or rather, continue doing so. yeahhhhh bud!

am i to believe that this will be a lego mmorpg?

i never make my bed. now i have an excuse if some of my company spontaniously decides to be a rude asshole and ask why i havent made my bed yet...

this is a relief actually. now maybe they will take all the great potential of wave and put it into other products. there were so many good ideas in wave, but without being able to interact easily with email and other social interfaces, its was doomed.

its going to be their answer to the magic pad, for sure.