
I’m not upset at Palaptine being back. Nor that his resurrection is kinda handwaved (being a huge old-EU fan helps with this).

However, you either seed his return in TFA/TLJ or don’t do it at all.

Imagine this - in TFA, we get a scene with Snoke where he goes to speak with someone we don’t see or hear - “who could his

Honestly, none of this surprises me and the very first thing I thought when clicking on the article was, oh boy, this is gonna be a chemistry issue. As an organic chemist, I am interested to know what dyes they used because most dyes are innocuous, some are suspected carcinogens, some are outright mutagens, and if

Patrick, thanks for not banning Mergio or I back in the day.

Well this happened....

It seems like common sense to not have to say this, but here goes anyway:

Every single person that had something to say about the original design needs to get their ass to a theater and see the movie. I can’t think of another time where a movie studio immediately listened to the audience and backtracked this publicly

Definitely wanna know if there’s any turbo lag.

As someone who liked the idea of FFVII, but never played it. Had friends who were obsessed with it, and enjoy playing final fantasies VIII to X2, but just could not deal with the chibi characters and a lot of the graphics of FFVII. I am super hype for this. I’m not beholden to the original story in any meaningful way,


Today I learned that the Mitsubishi Outlander Sport is a real car that exists.

Who does Abrams think he’s fooling? It’s so obvious he’s going to play Khan.

It’s almost like a Mad Libs.

A doctor, a nurse, and a Texas lawmaker walk into a bar.

Here’s the Toyota Supra Face before you’re supposed to see it.

I played with it in Photoshop a bit, you can see a little more of it now:

I have to disagree in this scenario. The Mustang is a piece of American history. If that was a photo of a brand new Lamborghini being saved most of us would say “why?". They burn themselves to the ground all the time anyway.

Could you remove one of the door cards and take a picture of the inside of the door? I’d like to know how easy it will be for me to fix the window regulator in 15 years.

I’m not an airplaneologist, but I’m surprised that there’s not a safety feature that checks for this.

I’m team bull. Go bull.