
This is slightly off-topic because there is a LOT to say about the Ks treatment of Jordyn, but was anyone else seriously disturbed (though not surprised, given the family’s intense dysfunction) that Tristan threatened to kill himself to get out of being accountable for his behavior, and that he apparently does this

Someone save Maggie Lawson.

This 100%. I’m happily child-free so maybe my opinion isn’t valid here but it seems to me if the dude doesn’t pull his weight beforehand then don’t have kids. Adding children to the equation won’t make life easier. No one has time for a partner that doesn’t take care of his own shit (side rant: who in this day in

I’d just like to say, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are men who jump into fatherhood with gusto and reject praise for their household contributions. You can probably tell before you have kids, too. Did he stick you with all the wedding planning? Does he do housework like a grown up? Does he make his own

Yeah, there’s very few celebrities that rank like that. My dad was seated across from Mohammed Ali on a flight. It was in the mid 70s , when he was pretty much the most famous man on the planet. Everyone in the section just stared at him in awed silence.

NOBODY should go straight to college, unless you’re one of those rare people who knows exactly what they want to do with their life from age 4, or is graduating high school and going into MIT at 13 years old.

Im honestly glad I waited till I was 25 to finish my degree. In the years in between I figured out what I wanted to do and I go a handle on life and the real world.

2003 here. My parents, who did not complete or even go to college, encouraged me to go to the most expensive school I applied to and to borrow extra so I wouldn’t have to kill myself working while I was in school. It was totally understood then that college = big money and that’s just not how it worked out for the

People who couch it as “free stuff” are peak disingenuous and intellectually lazy. 

It might be anecdotal, but in my immediate circle, this is true almost across the board. Most of my friends are in their early to mid thirties and most of them aren’t buying a house/having a baby because their student loan debt repayment is still so high that it takes up a significant chunk of their incomes. 

“In a breastfeeding situation,its not the feelings of the onlooker that matters, but the baby’s hunger.

As other women have stated, many babies do not like to be covered. With a blanket. While they eat. Some get hot and clusterphobic. I sincerely tried to cover, even getting a covering specifically made for breastfeeding. And while that would have made me comfortable, my son would not have it.

This is really the peakest peak of mansplaining too. 

To be fair though, the Christian God has always sort of hated human life. It makes sense that he would find breasts offensive.

My “favorite” are the guys who complain about women breastfeeding in church. My man, if a woman feeding her child drives you to such distraction then you should do as the good lord says and gouge your own fucking eyes out (Matthew 5:29-30, for those interested). Too extreme? Then just mind your own damn business.

Can we scrap the new Nicki Minaj album in favor of a new Tracy Chapman album?

They have none of those things. It’s on purpose.

I want his name-the one who wished her “Happy Mother’s Day” before abducting her child.

Kat, honey, you’re about to become the fifth wife of a GOP fundraiser.  Maybe you should consider how many of these spineless weasels your sugar daddy helped elect.

Agree to disagree. Trump is driving the wedge between the US and our allies, I don’t think calling out Americans for tolerating this conduct is going to make it worse.