
That’s exactly it. They don’t know how to just sit with their discomfort and think about why it is what it is.

My grocery store does a fundraising drive for the March of Dimes every year. They used to write the donator’s name on a preemie diaper, to give a visual of how tiny preemie babies are. This year they didn’t,

Just this morning I was listening to a podcaster talk about how comfort is a tool of oppression. That straight/white/cis/dudes - people who are not generally part of marginalized groups - tend not to experience much discomfort in their daily lives, at least not in any systematized way. If they encounter conversations

“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”

“Introduce him to some older women”

“This woman has a husband. A husband. She didn’t deserve this! HE didn’t deserve this! You’ve ruined her ... for him.”

Melanie is back to doing what she does best. And what she does best is dressing like the love interest of a cheesy macho 80s film :)

Her perfume should be called “Thirsty.”

I AM SHOOK! (Why do they look like a failed boy band tho?!)

How about a memorial to the 22% of children who live in poverty in Tennessee?

If the choice is between a playground for rich people or housing for poor people (which isn’t owned by Sean Hannity), then I will go with option 2.

It’s really easy to get sucked in. The formula is both comforting and exciting. And after I watch three episodes, I feel like I know how they’re going to use the mystery basket ingredients with decent accuracy. (That’s not to say I’d be able to do it, just that I can guess what they will do.)

You should stop being friends with those people. You’re spending $100 on moisturizer and they’re cheaping out on the wine? No.

The Secret World of Allison Mack sure is a trip.

I hope so. At a college I once taught at, the college president was scheduled to meet with the wife of a local assemblyman. While waiting for her to show, the president started telling a racist joke to someone he was with. She walked in during the joke; she’s black.

Years ago, a cop stopped our car just to ask what we were doing “in the neighborhood”. Our friend in the back seat politely put him through his paces, wanting to know what he’d observed that merited the stop. The visibly frustrated cop demanded, “What are you, the ACLU?” And our friend smiled and answered, “As a

Wow you sure are an idiot. As a descendant of slave ancestors and as the great granddaughter of a woman who was personally victimized by a well regarded doctor who used the bodies of poc to further his research on diseases....fuck you and your white privilege horse you rode in on

I would if it meant I got to go to all the fancy restaurants they eat at all the time. Oh god, the places they get invited to just to take a photo there and garner publicity.

I’m on the East coast, and I couldn’t fall asleep at all. I think I passed out at about 5:30 a.m. and then woke up at 6:30 a.m., unable to fall asleep a second time. Even thinking about it now, I am feeling myself getting physically upset.

Wow, our bail system is so messed up! Low level offenders are kept in jail and go into massive debt or are abused and imprisoned by bail bondsmen because they can’t afford a few hundred or thousand dollars in bail. And then someone who is accused of multiple violent crimes is released on bail?