It’s really weird how little people expect fathers to have to do. How is it not “fair” to take care of your own children?
It’s really weird how little people expect fathers to have to do. How is it not “fair” to take care of your own children?
It angers me so much that they usurped faith to use as a weapon. I am not going to claim that my faith entirely makes sense (or makes sense at all), but it means something great to me. The thing is, it is faith not science and definitely not fact.
Added to this:
My kids love “challenges” like “Hey, can we do the pringles challenge?” which is when I apparently buy every flavor of Pringles and then blindfold them and make them eat them and test them on how many flavors they get right. Or the Oreos challenge. Or the Ben & Jerry’s challenge. These are all on YouTube. I am being a…
There are too many soulless assholes who feel that someone becomes a nonhuman with no rights once they’ve committed a crime. See also: pretty much any discussion of the treatment of prisoners.
‘Get that schmoney, yernerrmshayin’ 💘
But pregnant teens will be denied abortions, because LIFE. IS. SACRED.
I’ll take that a step further and say that anyone that says “I’m not X but” are most certainly whatever X is. Always.
Sooooo I’ve actually been a fair housing attorney for some time now, and I’ve seen a lot (even worse than what is described in the article). The creepiest son? Yeah, that’s probably going to escalate. He’s been preening around you — walking around with his shirt off and trying to “help you.” You have clearly rejected…
I grew up on his movies, and they have informed me as an artist, and I cannot change that fact now, but I can make different decisions moving forward.
I don’t disagree with your premise. The only reason I even have to hear about TS’s existence is because I read gossip sites and don’t listen to pop stations, so it isn’t like you can’t escape her. And I loved her testimony and counter-suit with that gross radio guy. I also think that the songs choruses are not similar…
Thank you. I’m from upstate NY, a firmly Trump-voting part of it, even though a lot of things that Hillary Clinton did as senator, now forgotten, were highly, highly beneficial for the poor white people living in my hometown. Most of the people I grew up with have never met a Muslim or a Jewish person in their life,…
I would add that there is absolutely no attempt to grapple with the actual, functional policies that are messing these people’s lives up. You would think that given how celebrated articles like Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article on redlining or reparations was, you might see attempts to imitate it rather than simply dutifully…
Well this looks terribleeee in the most fantastic sort of way, aka I cannot wait to see this gem.
So fucking good.
True that.
R. Kelly and Roman Polanski are missing.
Julian assange should be added to the list, along with congressman fartenhold. Also, lots of men in Hollywood are guilty of domestic violence and still get work — Sean Penn, for example. That man should have been blacklisted decades ago.
No Bill Clinton? I mean, if you’re gonna dredge up the clarence thomas thing...
Thank you. I know this was a joke in this blog post, but I am sick and tired of pitting women against each other. What has any of the male singers done for us lately?