
Source: Ezekiel 23:20.

Fairly sure this was sarcasm.

Actually, there’s been thousands of cases of progressive/liberal women intentionally getting pregnant, enduring 6 months of pregnancy and then aborting their child just so they can get likes on Twitter. If it were legal, which thank Baby Jesus it’s not, these same women would willingly endure 9months of pregnancy just

Republicans are exhausting. Millions of children live in poverty and are food insecure. People die every day from gun violence, and some of it is committed by police officers. Racism and sexism are serious problems in our society. Infrastructure in most cities is in drastic need of repair.

Ugh, that vile woman.

I know this isn’t the best place for it but given how I likely won’t be up for Barf or Dirt Bag later this needs to be said now.

I don’t normally engage people ecpressing anti-immigrant sentiment/xeniphobia, but I majored in Economics and am the daughter of two formerly undocumented persons. I walked across the stage at my graduation from UC Berkeley while my dad sat in an ICE detetion center over 600 miles from my parents’ home. Only 2 people

My father, after the air force, spent his career as a commercial airline pilot, mostly on the Airbus A-320. My parents lived all over the world after accepting a job in Australia when I was 19. In the early-2000s, after a stint in Venezuela, he answered a call from an old co-pilot and randomly lucked into a position

Children are so much easier to teach than grown men.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

I taught my toddler grandson to call those “night cheese”. Now when he spends the night, before he goes to bed, he runs to the fridge and grabs the red cheese and sings the night cheese song.

The entire statement is rife with bullshit language. “the story told by Timothy” = meant to imply fiction. They both have “demons” = meant to discredit. What we “chose” to do together = meant to imply consent.

The kicker is that spending money on those things ACTUALLY helps the economy. As opposed to it going to sit in some off-shore bank account.

Did they give us an update on whether or not he is able to enjoy steak again? I’ve been so worried about that.

I confused my toddler by singing Proud Mary but as “Big Mueller keep on rolling!” very loudly

Huff Post has been on fire with their headlines this year, and today’s is definitely a winner:

Imagine that you are mugged at knife point and the mugger tosses a couple of dollars onto the ground so that you can ride the bus home. And he expects you to be thankful that he left you with that.


People like Trump aren’t the horror. It’s knowing that 30-40% of Americans support this lying sack of shit in a cheap suit no matter what he says or does.

I’m COMPLETELY sure he thought that the veterans would cheer him on when he made that slur. He’s that ignorant.