
Yeah, I’d be honest and say just that. Law wasn’t for you,you took up a friend’s offer for an interim position while you looked for the right fit in another field. Gave you time to develop different skills and move in a new career direction.

You’re so pressed, you could do all our laundry.

No, Beyonce doesn’t write all her own songs. She collaborates on some, and has other people write some. This is pretty normal. Interestingly, I have never, not once, heard this criticism of a male singer.

Thanks for dismissing my earlier comment.* Btw, I am not a member of the “Beyhive” (not sure how Beyonce is responsible for them, though???); I am a person who goes hard for black women because no one else does. I appreciate her for her painstaking dedication to turning out a superior product, her insistence on

I love her, but she’s not my favorite vocalist. She is a damn good entertainer though. Everyone else In the article bores me to tears though- bey is the only one I would actually spend $ (you know, if I had $ to throw around) to actually see. I hear her and pink put on a hell of a show.

She just might be a black Bill Gates in the making

*brings popcorn*

“go eat a battery” is my new favourite saying.

This is in no way a defense of Charlie Rose (who has revealed himself to be a disgusting person), but you’d be shocked at the number of old men who think that it’s entirely reasonable that a young woman would be into them. I’ve encountered so many that I think there must be some kind of coded message out there in the

I know when I would first start dating a guy, he’d show up randomly naked in a variety of places and situations. That would, of course, solidify my romantic feelings.

“Pursuing shared feelings” with people who work for you,

This is one I knew about directly. I used to work with a woman who had previously been an assistant on his show. He’d call her after hours and ask her to bring research or other stuff he needed to him at home, then answered the door in an open robe. It was kind of treated as a big joke at the show, that he was this

A lot of powerful dudes in DC are just chillin at home, getting ready for Thanksgiving, hangin with the fam....secretly wondering if their WHOLE FREAKIN WORLD IS GONNA EXPLODE TOMORROW

I have behaved insensitively at times, and I accept responsibility for that, though I do not believe that all of these allegations are accurate. I always felt that I was pursuing shared feelings, even though I now realize I was mistaken.

Oh thank god you pointed that out! I bet she just didn’t know! Think of all the lives you saved today!! I hope you have a blessed thanksgiving and sleep well knowing you’ve spread joy and helpful information!

Maybe because their job is to talk about clothes and not the body underneath them?

I’m completely confused and not sure where you are getting that from at all....she’s all about loving and owning who you are regardless.

Google Paris Hilton 2006 (the year the stupid girls video came out), and then Hilton’s Carl’s Jr. commercial and you will see exactly who she was parodying in that video. LA at the time was teeming with vapid Hilton look-a-likes.

I think this person is referring to the end of Pink’s “Stupid Girls” video, in which a young girl is given the option of choosing between two piles of toys: one that includes a football, a microscope, and a keyboard, and another full of pink dolls and horses. Both piles are literally presented as good and evil. The

Britney? Pipes? I love the woman but not sure what you mean.... ;)