Ah Got Somethin Ta Say!

Speaks to the memorability of the movie.

I assumed the point was to show Rosetti figuring out how he was located.

I assumed the point was to show Rosetti figuring out how he was located.

Ugh, not another punt thread.

Fuckin' guy SUCKS.

There's a good chance he'll play nothing off this album, or play all your favorite songs in such a way you don't even recognize them.

The times they are a-changed.

Awesome, thanks!

A few random thoughts:

So this new restoration is the original theatrical cut, correct?

Yeah. The problem with The Box is that it tried to answer a question nobody asked.

"Loud-mouthed" is a particularly interesting choice of words.

The plane sequence in Iron Man 3 was a pretty great action setpiece.

Today, sure. But one day…One day you're gonna have to get off that fence, Ken.

That could very well be, I haven't seen either since they came out.


Yes….Minus the "grew up" part.

"It's basically the most perfect sci-fi adventure romp of the 90s."

I am vital and interesting
I am vital and interesting
I am vital and interesting
[unconvincing smile]

I really enjoy Ignatiy's reviews. I don't always agree with his criticisms, but he consistently makes interesting arguments and the reviews are exceptionally well-written.