
Now it’s a Porsche Taycan’t.

Yep, pretty much how we make them in the cafe I work in. Bake a sac of potatoes, refrigerate, chop, cook.

I’ve owned one. Drove it 78,000 miles. Never had a problem. I kept up on oil changes and fills, pre-mixed, warmed it up properly every time I drove it, took it to redline every time I drive it (critical for Wankel health), and let it cool properly before shutting it off every time. I’ve owned four Mazda rotaries in

Because this...

If one gets in a collision, does that make it a scrambled Koenigsegg?

It’s the human centipede!

Now playing

A real man would’ve come at him with a lightsaber.

So Kristen Stewart is....Taken?

I wonder if falling a lot during his career led to CTE and depression.

Damn that’s Imprezzive

I’m going back to the sloth story

Call me extreme but this is what we reserve the death penalty for. Theres no room in this world for belligerent hatred and evil. He deserves to get all that is coming to him and more. In this life and the next.


BMW’s are usually underrated. It probably makes 320 to the wheels.

I don’t have any punny jokes: He assaulted and killed this man in front of his granddaughters. For touching (“touching”) a piece of metal.

As its name suggests, it has a 4.0-liter V8 under its hood for the first time ever.

The real hero of this video is the dude on the Smith Machine pausing from his reps just long enough to shake his head dismissively.

Not going to lie, I was really hoping to see the house burst at the seams from expanding foam.

“It Spans About 70 Acres Across”

So with massive wind farms... what is the maintenance/long term replacement costs on these? And how does that compare to... hydro/solar/nuclear/geothermal?