
That’s not exactly accurate. The geometric features of a road also help govern the speed, and this is all worked in during the design phase of a road. Lines of site through vertical and horizontal curves, super elevation (I.e. banking around a curve), etc.

Fuck you.

No way, man. I watched all five seasons of Chuck. I know what comes next.

The story is as followed, and has been featured in numerous books and magazines, including some of his autobiography’s and such:

Steve was part of the original Mulholland street racer “outlaws” of the 60's, but he typically drove alone and didn’t hang out with a pack, nor did he race, since he was naturally an

Fun fact: the funny looking spikes coming out of the fireball are the tower guy wires vaporizing.

Actually, if one randomly samples across the U.S. population so that every person has an equal probability of being surveyed, a 1000 people survey can be very representative of the entire nation’s beliefs. In statistics, we can easily quantify the representativeness of a 1000 people survey that’s used to estimate the

No no no no no. No popular country. Shit is awful, its fans are fucking useless. “Honky Tonk Badonkadonk”? Go fuck yourself.

If this was an 86, where they only made 200 of the Aerocoupes for NASCAR, it would be worth that. But from the factory the only thing good about this car was its looks. A clean factory SS is in the 6-9K range these days. I’d say this Aerocoupe worth 12K on a good day, while drunk after watching Days of Thunder.

That isn’t how normal driving habits work, that is how Tesla enthusiasts want them to work. People have a system that involves five minutes fueling up and then forgetting about it until the fuel light comes on. You gotta embrace that if you want mass market adoption. You gotta get out of your fan zone there.

Man, sitting in the way-way-back of a faux wood paneled station wagon, facing backwards, was the best. I can’t believe cars were actually designed like that.

These aren’t medical devices. These are instrument to measure ballistics (ie artillery)

PTOs are universal. Typically there are two configurations, a “540 RPM” and “1000 RPM” shaft. They can be identified by different spline arrangement on the shaft.

I will play devil’s advocate and say that while I’m disappointed in Trump’s decision, ultimately the climate does not give a shit about some artificial agreement that merely serves as a way to politicize climate change. Something to pat ourselves on the back about. What matters is real action, and clean energy

Obviously, that’s a scene of a murder....

Matt, I think you need to get a better understanding of the definition of treason. While all of the actions you’re laying out here are reprehensible, treason is aiding a foreign country that we have declared war with. There have only ever been a handful of people charged with treason in the United States, most of them

FIAT = Flip It Again Tornado

On any surface, static friction is always higher than kinetic friction, and static friction happens when your wheels are turning at the same rate as the ground moving under them. As soon as you lock up your tires, you’re into kinetic friction, which means you have less grip than if you were braking perfectly right on

I referred to a couple guys as “hipsters” the other day and boy did they get upset. Apparently the politically correct term is “conjoined twins”.

Structural Engineers:

Obviously you buy a G8 GXP.