
If a game lets me kill a dragon but the children are unkillable then YES it is breaking the “realism” within the world. It’s like, why even send me? Send one of these immortal children. Why even raise an army of warriors? Why not just raise an army of UNKILLABLE CHILDREN?

Dragons are consistent with the game’s lore, though. The same isn’t true of immortal kids.

I wouldn’t have sent it back if I cared about compensation. The moral of my post is that corporations aren’t capable of decency (they couldn’t even give me a label to ship it back?). Even blizzard giving this guy swag is tainted by their poorly veiled threat of litigation, and gaining brownie points in the end

In what way was he a selfish idiot? Because he didn’t illegally leaked trademarked property? Or because you didn’t find this disk and get all the freebies from Blizzard?

I thought for sure Tobi was going to pass out a couple of times during that series

That’s fine. There’s people that still love Day Z and we all know that isn’t getting finished. Doesn’t mean that other companies aren’t chasing a trend for easy money with the popularity of these kinds of games on Steam.

OK I see what you mean, these guys are at the skill level where their intuition could be valid.

You might want to look up the word “literally” in a modern dictionary before being a smug asshole to people about it in the future.

The “assholes” are asking that the ARTISTS and LABORERS who originally created this game have their intent honored by preserving it faithfully. It is not possible or feasible to find this item “in the wild” and the TheRealPhoenix chose to distribute the game’s code in this way.

Why should the game as art be considered

Obligation is a high bar; I would settle for common courtesy.

No. If someone tracks down a Monet and buys it with their own money, they’re still an asshole if they deface it.

Sure. Everyone has the right to be an asshole, but exercising that right still makes you an asshole.

Owe? No. But he’s still a jackass none-the-less.

Yeah but he’s putting his name on the game as though he helped create it. It has some moral factors too.

Pardon my lack of CS knowledge, but what’s the meta like for Dust2? It’s been in the mix for so long, are matches over before they begin at this point? Is there one dominant strategy that makes the map boring?

then the kotaku article should reflect that, this is not a korean website.

Series staple or not, these are bad boss fights.

Is the control somehow finally not utter garbage, hamstrung and sloppy rather than crisp and responsive? Every RE game I’ve played has pissed me off badly with lousy controls, most people just seem to accept it but it really is inexcusable in a major game series.

But then why are games like the Postal games or Hatred still not banned when they are pretty much just crazy if not more so then YS?

This could have been phrased better, but it’s pretty much the correct response. I’m white and grew up almost never seeing black people, and still very rarely do where I live. I’d have no frame of reference to write about The Black Experience, which is a stupid thing anyway because not all black people have the same