
If you think Rom Romberts is kind of funny but way too normal, then you’re gonna love Kokoharambe!

The Olympics need to include narratives and backstories more than any other sports broadcast, primarily because without them the general audience wouldn’t even know who most of the athletes were. It’s more interesting to have some context rather than watching every single event just to see which flag crosses the

Yeah, if anything I can see it becoming more of an entitlement issue if you get something every single time. “Hey, I came to soccer for 10 weeks, where the fuck’s my trophy?” Although for the teams I was on I think they quit giving them out around 3rd or 4th grade and nobody really seemed to notice.

we deliberately avoid keeping score, because everyone is supposed to have fun, etc. But the KIDS do. Holy shit, do they keep score. Eighty years from now, those kids will still be able to tell me who scored and what minute of play the goal occurred in. They aren’t interested in pleasantries. They want to KILL.

She’s #11 for Costa Rica’s U-17 team, so apparently Fox loaded that roster instead? At least it was the right country this time.

Oh this video is a masturpiece alright.

Came here to post his name from Football Pro 98, Fred Junebrother.

I’d definitely watch a video starring Emma Tacos.

The fake snap count drew a false start though, which would certainly have been called if the unsportsmanlike conduct foul hadn’t been. With the clock at 7 seconds and running, and Arizona with no timeouts left, the 10-second runoff sends the game to OT.