If one is really concerned about saving money though, which this article is about, then they would be planning their meals around the unused items. For example you could use the remaining chicken, tomatoes, garlic, parmesan, parsley, Italian seasoning and Panko to make a respectable chicken parm. Then the next time…
Sorry, this is terrible math. You’re calculating a per serving cost but not breaking everything down to a serving. The easiest one to look at is the mozzarella cheese at $3.50 for 8oz. You’re only using 4oz of the cheese so that would $1.75 per serving. Any of the pantry staples are larger bulk items you aren’t using…
Well dang, I’ve been using Ublock for years and didn’t know about several of these. Nice.
I get it, you’re not an assitant/sherpa/etc. but it seems like common courtesy is completely out the window on planes. Businessmen take it as an opportunity to be complete douchebags and ignore everything that doesn’t impact them.
God forbid you help the woman wrangling kids or having trouble moving shit around in the…
Discussions are still broken for slide shows.
And, I think, also the long waits are an urban phenomenon and not necessarily applicable to: small-town breakfast/lunch places, hotel brunches, diners, the formerly ubiquitous corner restaurant in Chicago run by Greeks with menus that run for six pages, etc. And brunch doesn’t have to involve day drinking.
I’m amazed that in a blog written by foodies about brunch, there is not a single mention of “the one you make yourself”.
Because it’s piss easy, it’s soooooooo much better than going out, waiting in line, being with other people in a crowded place...
Going to a crowded restaurant mid morning during the weekend is a…
The combination of Elizabeth Lane (Barbara Stanwyck) and Felix (S.Z. Sakall) from “Christmas In Connecticut.” If you’ve never seen it, she is a Martha Stewart-like columnist whose columns always include mouth-watering recipes. She’s a brilliant writer, capable of making the recipes *sound* delicious, just as she’s…
Meanwhile, 7% of Americans hate dinner rolls. (????????)
This strikes me as a solution in search of a problem.
How *to* take glorious sunset photos with your smartphone, because yours suck
fucking stopppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp with these articles this is grosss
I disagree somewhat with this. Yes, your credit will take an immediate hit, but it is fleeting and your credit score will return to its previous level or higher, so it is only an issue if you are getting some kind of loan in the near future.
Nope. Conservative synagogue in NJ went to a dozen bar mitzvahs (including my own) and do not recall any candy being thrown.
Claire is the Senior Food Editor for Lifehacker and a noted duck fat enthusiast.
The way you and Joel consistently take one for the team is admirable.
This was such a delightful read, so charming. I love your writing. And I would happily pay good money to see this movie!