
As a genealogist, this advice gives me the heebie jeebies. Obituaries are still the most useful tool for finding relatives, especially the married names of women. Of course, that was never the purpose of an obituary...

Any old file organizer will do - this one is from Amazon, but it's pricier than I remembered mine to be (and it's not the one I have.) I picked mine up at a Target or Ikea, for less than $10, so I imagine you can find one easily too. Either way - as long as it has complete pass-throughs from one side to the other and

Arguably the best upgrade to my kitchen and it cost me $4. This handheld knife sharpener is not only effective but easy and safe. In the kitchen nothing is more of an imperative (and more satisfying) than working with sharp knives. I have tried all manners of sharpening from traditional to electric and this is the