I think it’s very cute that you would think that anyone reading Drew’s article during the afternoon would wants to know the proper legal term ...
I think it’s very cute that you would think that anyone reading Drew’s article during the afternoon would wants to know the proper legal term ...
Drew, I just watched the Food Porn video. Are you unusually tall? I ask because you are sort of bending over like you are used to bumping your head into ceiling fans and such.
I’m concerned about his posture.
I hope this gets the recognition it deserves....
I’m still in shock with your prediction of Jacksonville’s season - 11 and 5? Really, Drew? Care to recant or were you under the influence of multiple adult beverages?
Since I’m not a huge gamer I don’t FULLY understand the significance of Sony not “to offer proper mod support”. I mean one can still play the game but just not the mods? Is that correct? Basically, I’m asking for some younger gamer to explain this to me. I played / enjoyed Red Dead Redemption - and I know a mod would…
In all on honesty, he should just start his political career - we all know he’s going to be a Senator from Florida at some point. On a side note, I would also like to see him get married - so, well, you know....