I’m buying a silly number of Switch games that I already own on another system.
Nah, it’s an Andorian, and Orian, and a roommate from Species 8472, who is only present in our dimension 71.82% of the time. The title: “e’s Company”
Welcome back, Fahey. I’m absolutely certain my usual bloviations wouldn’t do what I want to say justice, so I’ll just say this:
You’ve been missed, sincerely, the entire time you’ve been away, and this community did not feel whole without you. You’re a goddamned boss for clawing your way back from what you suffered,…
Jason’s is the worst review I’ve read by far, and I think he’s wrong. I’m 30 hours in and just finished all eight Chapter Twos without any grinding or screwing around, so how Jason got it all done in 36 hours is beyond me. Methinks he rushed through it once he decided he didn’t like it early on.
Kristin Carnage was making her way through a city in World of Warcraft when a stranger stopped her female avatar.…
Rejoice, Switch fans: Nintendo’s iconic platform brawler is finally confirmed for the portable console. Now that…
Wow dude seriously get some fucking help you sound like a serial killer
You’ve never touched a woman, have you?
She’s always smelling what she’s cooking. And it’s shit.
90% on RT is such a disaster.
Shoutout to people who give a damn!
Black like a doll’s eyes, Chief.
Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.
Go go gadget switch!