
Dessert, Brian. Not desert xx

100% agreed. And to be fair, it is an outdated model. I’ve bought and re-bought games multiple times across 3 consoles, and I wasnt looking forward to potentially paying again. So if they’re look to streamline the whole process under a Netflix type program that is a-ok with me.

Personally, I think it’s pretty flattering. Never have I seen a woman’s face in such a perpetual state of annoyance and consternation. It reminds me of my cats arse.

You are aware that you actually get keep the amiibo as well, right?


It’s a great game. As someone who is always spoiled for choice I leave things half finished all the time. I ploughed through this bad boy though and loved every minute.

You’re my hero

Another thing that MK8 Deluxe has that is an absolute must for my 6 year old twins, is the autosteer function which can be turned on and off. I shunted them on to the WiiU version the other day so I could play some Darkest Dungeon and the frustration was tangible when they kept going off track...


I’m just laughing at the fact that Hannity is trying to cover up his idiot mistake with a footage of an actual car crash. I take it no one at Fox picked up on the enormous dose of fucking irony there...

Enter the Gungeon has been ruling my life recently...

Does anyone else ever think that Steven Miller looks like a prosaic, albeit heavily medicated version of Pauly Shore?

I’m not only giving you permission, I’m condoning it. That’s the knly reason you need xxx

That is literally what I’m looking for. To be able to play on the train with a proper pad... the downside is I’ll look like a pleb, but still; PROPER STICKS!

I concur. My beard is like a bear trappers hat, but at least I’m moderately normal. My boss has this weird hyper-definition thing going on, and I’ve seen him trying to converse with a tree on more than one occasion. Based on your sound observation, I’m not willing to chalk this up to simple coincidence.

Now that’s a damn song. Oiut of curiosity Brian, have you listened to the remixed version of Real Gone? I loved the original, but the remix makes it so und completely fresh.

The Mic input isn’t even mandatory with the WiiU version; I’m pretty sure you can just hold X.

Agreed. I can read highbrow literature and appreciate it as much as the next person, but RPO is a great romp.

Oh and Jason, please can I come out of the greys...?

I quite like the look of the art style, especially with the enemies. It’s like old style with smatterings of anime. Happy happy.