
Yeah, that's a really great start, and I thought about doing that. But that doesn't make it any easier than just picking up my small laptop and doing it, because for agnostic file types like Word Docs, spread sheets, etc. you still need a fully-competent program to not fuck up the editing (I have seen *very good* apps

Yeah, it's pretty clear she's trolling. She's not even keeping up with her own statements, as I illustrated in a reply post to her below.

Again, you're a moronic TROLL. We all see what's going on here. Let me quote you a few times, troll:

No, not sitting on his couch with a laptop connected to his tv. Don't be willfully stupid to try to make a point. I CLEARLY stated Xbox/Google TV/Apple TV. I don't recall seeing laptop anywhere in my reply, moron.

I don't see it replacing existing controls, just integrating with them and making everything more intuitive. Someone else pointed out below that, say you are working on a document or browsing the web, and a skype call comes up. Rather than hunting for that window, then finding the decline button (ending Skype calls is


HAHAHA! I'm surprised no one else pointed this out!

You didn't read the article, did you??

Did you even bother reading the article?? That's exaclty what they said the laptops were!! It was even highlighted in a nice little chunk for you!!

That's an ignorant statement. Instead of thinking small, imagine this tech integrated into the next Xbox/Google TV/ Apple TV to control the browser from your couch, without a keyboard/mouse. "Kinect, go to Facebook." It opens the browser, pulls up Facebook, logs you in based on user recognition. You can then scroll

Have you even used Kinect?? It's pretty good at picking out the inadvertent movements vs. registered movements per program. Usually, to control something, the program has a programmed range of movements it looks for, within a certain physical space relative to your body, etc. For instance, when swiping through menus,

Try voice controls, hand-controlled PowerPoint presentations, unlock screens using secret handshakes (haha), etc. The future is wide open and very cool.

I've never run into a mobile view on my Touchpad. What site did you run into this on? I played w/ a colleague's iPad and it went mobile on a few sites that the Touchpad didn't.

What pisses me off about the Flash thing is that it hasn't been updated, so while a lot of games will work, video playback and some other Flash plugins are screwed. It's nice to have, but I can't rely on it like I can Flash on my Evo. :-/

Avatar and Minority Report did that whole "swiping items from a giant glass display to a tablet" thing. Pretty slick stuff. I've got an idea for a couple of Apps that I'd LOVE to create. I work in front of a PC all day, and I carry my tablet around between offices to pull up Basecamp or client websites.

In the Quake lore, Dallas is one of the cities under siege by the Strogg (because ID was founded in Dallas). I've wanted to see a really good depiction of tthe city under seige by alien forces for a long time. Something with the level of detail seen in Crysis 2 (probably the best looking game I've ever seen when the

I think Battlefield 3 did a really good job of making NYC feel "real" at the end there with the car chase through the city. Most other games, like CoD and Rainbow Six would have made it feel fake by removing the crowds (seriously, I cannot recall Las Vegas ever being as empty as it was in R6: Vegas). The fact that

Haha, nice. Reminds me of this article on the problem w/ AT&T branding 3G HSPA as 4G- it's 4G on one phone, but not on others. [] best part is the retarded commenter "Shawn" going "Huuuur Danny, ur not comparing apples to apples- the iPhone 4S is a 3G phone, so it's speeds should not be the same as the 4G

I liked CoD 4 and WaW's MP the most in the series. Good times w/ extended mag MP40s and Type 100s and bouncing betty's!

Who do you think Gears got the idea from??