
Indeed. And aren't battery grips and pro DSLRs like the D4 configured for exactly the 'moron' way?

the screengrab nobody is talking about

Who doesn't love a cool concept? I think videos like this belong exactly here; on a gadget blog. There's not only no story being told here, there's no point. I don't know why there are three different individuals, I don't know where they are, and I don't know why some of them have a white balaclava and goggles some

what in the hell is going on

"...Vespertine could come out 10 years from now and it would still sound startlingly ahead of it's time."

I was of the PBS 'WHO' generation as well. Not only would my parents remind me that it was on, they would let me stay up late to watch. Only the Muppet Show held similar sway in my house. I have no doubt whatsoever that my current taste in cerebral science fiction began with the Doctor. 'The Five Doctors' kept my

"The group is back on the planet and using lasers to scan the site."

This is exactly the kind of thing I've always wanted to see come out of a permanent human presence in space.

I really love the "walking tour of creepy abandoned places half way around the earth" videos in general. Something about our friendly investigative videographer's constant commentary and auto exposed video completely un-creeps this one.

So, all French music videos are Akira now?

I imagine the possibilities for motion pictures; multi-camera, all angle set up (as pioneered by The Matrix) with the ability to pull focus.

There's no 1080 60p? I just don't get it. And I don't quite understand the breaking up of video files above 4Gs. I know those files get huge, but with cameras like the RED and technology like thunderbolt connections files of size are less and less of an issue. Now imagine the addition to the number of files you'll

Now playing

Reminds me of "Until the End of the World" by Wim Wenders. I mean, the resemblance to the recorded memories and dreams in the film is remarkable. AND that film (the US release anyway) started with the threat of a nuclear satellite crashing back to earth.

I probably watched this film fifty times as a youngling. Something about the desert orphanage, run by the military (or something) in a world devoid of commerce, where you could rise above through underground, night time rollerball and a little help from Bohdai just got me going. It's like the teenage post-apoc

seriously. done in a sort of 'escape from new york' anti-hero vibe? who is dropping the ball on this one?

But wait, what is that app in the picture at the top?! So out of the loop!

for reals. that'll come out every year for the rest of our lives.

I got to vote for any of the Prawn's guns in District 9. Unlike anything I've seen in any film, sci fi or otherwise.

saw that little one in union square a month ago. was earning more than the less cute panhandlers near by...

So, like the Nexus handsets I imagine Google will be coming out with a similar branded 'official' tablet at some point. Pure Honeycomb. Or Ice Cream or whatever. That's one worth waiting for.