A Guy In Toronto

Just saw it this AM, OMG, have replayed it 5 X, not only a wicked cover, probably the best this person has seen, but a great visual testament to the Immortal Lemmy, Godspeed & RIP.

"Hate-watch", that's great!!!

Jeez, is there no joy in Zombie-ville???? You read the comments so far and all I hear are disgruntled hair-splitting fanboys/girls. One of the major distractions of a series like TWD is to have fun, take the ups and downs with a grain of salt. Interesting opinions are one thing but wack-job microscopic nit-picking,

Leo and all the hype, enough already, IMO good work but it is simply Leo doing a covert PSA for his real cause, L.A.M.B.L.A., Leo's American Man Bear Love Association!!!!!!

Dude, Right On!!! I have been saying the same thing for just about every damn show/movie I ever see, "Pick up the dead bad guy's gun" I yell and then the good guy keeps running with a handgun and then screams that he is out of ammo!!!! Major Duh???
As much as I am heartbroken over the demise of Siobhan I am still

What???? No mention of John Cale appearing this week????? John is not just anyone and he certainly deserves mention for crying out loud!!!! I can only assume that fans of The Bridge and readers of the AV Club do not listen to and/or care about the Velvets, The Stooges, Nico, Andy Warhol, not to mention John's