
rich people not familiar with la always buying houses in beverly hills.

Yes, his father’s mother is Mexican, and Louis CK’s father is Mexican. I think if you have a Mexican father, you’ve earned the right to identify as Latino (which Louis CK often does).

Ugh, a Filipino friend from the West Coast is having a Day of the Dead themed Halloween party. I love her, but it still feels appropriation-y to me, even if I try to defend that maybe she thought it was a good idea because she is Catholic, so, like, Catholic diaspora maybe? But also, it is bullshit for people to have

I’m Mexican and I don’t give a shit when people think I’m Irish, Italian, Greek, or French. I also don’t care that everyone assumes a brown person looks more like my ethnicity than I do. At some point overblown outrage is just overblown outrage, tongue-in-cheek or not.

I’m light skinned with American Indian and some Mexican and French background. I have been mistaken for Chinese by actual Chinese people. They seem so shock when I tell them I’m not Chinese.

Filipino persons ARE NOT all of Hispanic descent. Most Filipinos are indigenous or Asian.

This is the buddy cop film I’ve been waiting for. I’m picturing a Training Day for the new millennium.

Well, I mean, we kind of are?

...Since forever? Not part of Latin America. A tiny portion of the population have Spanish ancenstry, but Filipinos are generally considered to be Asian/Pacific Islander.

Since the Pacific Ocean formed? I dunno. This is a tough question to answer.

The Philippines aren't in Latin America and they speak Tagalog, not Spanish.

Eh the term Latin/Hispanic is a US centric label. I never understood the need to lump all people together based on a shared geographical and linguistic basis. The label doesn’t take into account the very different nationalities, ethnicities and races that occupy the “Latino" label...a label mind you that not many

Garfield is pretty hilarious though for the way he over-dramatizes what he’s going through. A while back in a interview, he described working with P.S. Hoffmann as “being in the shit,” because acting on stage is just like a free fire zone, apparently.

Spot on. Every person on Earth has the right to feel sad once in a while, to feel useless, to wail against the futility of it all.

I saw another interview with him on the local news just yesterday, and he was very thoughtful and intelligent with his answers. He’s probably just tired as fuck and got cranky-pants. Been there. I feel you Andy! Get a haircut though, for serious.

Eh. I don’t think it’s completely fair to null other people’s feelings just because they’re famous or because they have money. I’m sure he has bad days and insecurities. As long as he keeps things in perspective and doesn’t claim his woes are worse than other people’s.

This is how I know you don’t “choose” sexuality: if I could’ve chosen, I would’ve chosen lesbianism and laughed for the rest of my life about it. What woman in her right mind would choose men? You’d have to be insane. I’m not afraid of women. I have a fighting chance against a woman. I’ve never had a woman sexually

While I’m a lifelong feminist (since The 80s... When I was a kid & first heard & understood the term), I’ve gotta say I basically give zero fucks if anyone else chooses the term to describe their beliefs. It just doesn’t mean to everyone what it means to me.

I strongly doubt Meryl streep is afraid of the term ‘Feminist’.