
And with Craigslist, you can get that shit directly from the previous owner without the antique store’s markup. 

Don’t forget Oscar Pistorius.

Agree 100%, but probably think it’s worth noting that our miserable commute and work culture have to be exacerbating factors. If europeans had as long of commutes, as poorly designed cities for the benefit of public wellbeing, as little public transportation options, as many hours of work a week, as little (or no)

Came here to say the same thing. 


I wonder when we’re finally gonna call bullshit on the whole concept of the “independent investigation” in which the organization you’re “independently” investigating is also the one that signs your paycheck. I don’t know how we collectively agreed to pretend that calling it “independent” magically makes that not

I live in a place full of (white) college educated people who *also* demand respect on the basis of their privileges, fortunate educations, and personal taste. The grammar policing, the virtue signalling, the differentiating themselves from the others through professional/managerial status markers, particularly

Trade for him right now.”

So sorry for your family’s loss. How heartbreaking. 

All the best to you and Mr. Penguin. Resilience, luck, and all the joy that can come your way.

God, what an ordeal! Glad you’re recovering your life, that is no doubt a different life. Godspeed! 

Lord, your poor intestines! Glad you survived, and your niece, too! Both illustrations of what Drew mentioned too, that yeah, there’s a way to say it’s a terrible piece of luck, and another way that might be better to say, how incredibly lucky. Like hitting the Weber grill!

Wow, glad they discovered what was wrong and wish you all the best with managing it. 

Holy shit. Good luck with everything, man. What Drew said resonated with me, and I imagine with you, that it’s unclear in these situations whether we’ve been unlucky or incredibly lucky. Might as well go with incredibly lucky!

Sending you all my sympathy, for such an ordeal and such a loss. I’m so sorry. You’re right, we need each other and the stories, and the laughs.

<3 <3 <3

Holy shit.

All my sympathy for that ordeal and especially your loss. What you wrote here is great. <3

I always imagine Vampire Weekend in the rehearsal studio, each time they run through a song arrangement, someone invariably says, “You know what would be even cuter?...”