Sorry but i guess i'm one of the few people that video games for game play not music.
Sorry but i guess i'm one of the few people that video games for game play not music.
The subscription model is not dead, but it should be. Subscription sucks i rather pay for a $100 game then $15 a month. Just like i'd buy a $600 PS4 over the $400 with a $60 subscription fee.
Man, i was actually one of those people who saw grown ups on opening weekend, it was awful. I would have seen both but i only have so much money ill spend on movies and i had a free pass but i had to wait two weeks to use it and it was epic. Altough it was a tad too long for my liking it is definitely in my top 10…
Thanks god willing though, getting a start is what will be the toughest, Right now I'm only other person that I've ever met that wants be the president and is not in first grade. X)
Well hello everybody, I AM A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT and I figured I what at least weigh in my input being in the public school system my whole life. Though I say public school I really should clarify it is a "choice" school meaning you have to enter a lottery for admission due to so many applicants. Throughout my entire…
Kotaku this is actually really sad, this has already been patched. Tried it 3 or so days ago you will get an error saying failed to install or error with installing if you are the latest firmware.
Well I'll tell you my "story" because I guess it relates... I have a "dumb" phone and I have had a dumb phone for 5 years now(when i got my first phone) it was nice... But i always had an ipod touch and wished I could get an iPhone i think between all the members of my family i have used every iphone ipod touch or…
A retina display on the ipad mini is really unlikely just as a larger iphone screen and here's why: apple doesnt want to have an extreme array of screen sizes right now we have a few different sizes 4s(iphone) 5(iphone) Ipad(Retina) and Ipad mini(non retina). As you can see the only devices that apple will support…
My only problem with this is that they are advertising a cable box at a game show. If you want to advertise your cable box bring it to a soccer mom pick nick. Gamers go to Game Shows! Show us the games damnit!