
Hey shep!

Hey shep!

Anyone else a little disappointed that Nintendo only really had three legitimate wii u release for this year. Mario Maker Wooly World and Splatoon... All (except wooly world) are primarily single player oriented. My motivating factor on buying a wii u was for local competitive gameplay... I mean smash and kart are fun

Am I the only person who is really upset they gave up on the wii u so quickly??

This is massively dumb, screw micro-dlc. Sell it as a discounted encompassing pack ala Mario kart. I can almost stand DLC, but micro DLC?? No. This isn't a freemium game. I paid $60 already.

Although I can see why women would want a playable of there own gender can we actually look at how many women actually play the game? I would be willing to be that >80% are male. I rather a gripping story(which AC has lacked lately) than focus on some political issue that distracts from the core gameplay... Wouldn’t

But excite bike is my favorite track...

Since when did being president and first lady mean being a comedian and hair stylist? Let’s focus on getting real work done, not taking a term off. tbh

Atleast me quitting COD has been solidified. I haven’t enjoyed COD since BO2 and this... This is not black ops, its not even black operative related its just machines with guns. Done with COD.

Anyone want to see Ash Ketchum? Like from the first season of the TV show and his team from back in the day? Also ice climbers please

Idk I'm not like super against the stuff but for the people who use it recreationally it's just sad. Why? Because it means that to you it is more fun to alter your brain than to experience real things. Time to get on life peeps.

There is no way princess bubble gum should be considered only "slightly mad" it's been revealed that she's commuted genocide on the entire gum ball police force as well she manipulates her people and is even seen cutting off legs of less intelligent candy people. PB is the most mad of the entire lot!

Can anyone recommend me a good all in one for a student under $750. I'm not all that knowledgable in hardware but I need something with >16in screen and at the least an i5 and decent RAM with at least 1080p res. (I hate touch screens...)

I'm a huge AC fan but this is just stupid

While we're at it lets make a movie about MLK and cast a white guy. Thanks but I feel like gender swapping and race swapping is really dumb. Create original content if you want to diversify for them not lazy spinoffs.

I can't access it anymore the upload link is gone?

Used to like bill nye till I found out he was huge atheist.

True story here, my teacher, a feminst, pulls up some chauvinist site and jezebel to show how the writing perspective differs. And she almost pulled up a story about disney dude's dicks in class -_-. And she almost read a story from the other site called "could you love your girlfriend if she sucked 12 dudes dicks?".

Perk: Call of Duty ;p



Although I think there may be some validity Id like to see someone actually test this for "proof"