
SPOILERS, continued.

This is the behavior I would expect from a petulant child. Perhaps when you mature, you will understand that not everyone you disagree with is literally Hitler.

My counter argument is that you are factually inaccurate. Behaving and writing in an apoplectic manner may win you followers on your social media, but histrionics is not an argument.

My counter argument is that you are factually inaccurate. Behaving and writing in an apoplectic manner may win you followers on your social media, but histrionics is not an argument.

> Now many of us feel like we’ve woken up in an alternate universe dystopia, where white nationalism is on the rise and democracy itself is in peril.

> In the ensuing seconds after I finished this season, my main thought was "eh?" I was a bit at a loss. Not necessarily in a bad way but a "I don't know where this show is going" way.

They should have picked "Wagon Wheel." Now, that's a plausible song.

> Sampson’s story about the treatment of Jews in America in this alternate world carries a particular charge in the wake of certain political statements about Muslims in recent days.

Stamp your heels together when you do it. An outstretched arm is optional.

I can't answer, as I've already finished the season.

The dinner scene was almost directly taken from the novel, as was the "historicity" scene. I appreciate whenever a show or movie uses the exact phrasings by PKD. So many use his works as inspiration but not verbatim. One exception is A Scanner Darkly, which was almost entirely from the book. PKD had a wonderful sense

A more apt appearance of fascism in the US is found on university campuses these days, not anything a presidential candidate says or does. Shouting down differing points of view, physical intimidation of those disliked by the mob … that's definitely Brownshirts territory from the 1920s and 30s.

To be fair, it's not like Hitler trusted very many people within his own party and military leadership. As an example, Rommel was put in charge of building Fortress Europe in France and the low countries to stop the expected Allied invasion. But Rommel didn't have command of the armies — that was split between

> With Donald Trump stumping for ID badges for American Muslims, it’s certainly no stretch to see echoes of this imagined fascist America in the here and now.

That chick took advantage of Quinn. He was clearly intoxicated, unable to make rational decisions. Quinn was RAPED. #IStandWithQuinn

HOLY SHIT, was Dana one of the ISIS brides? Way to go, Homeland.

Kosovo je Srbija!

Yes, yes, yes! Finally, someone has the COURAGE to WRITE the TRUTH! I haven't been this excited since my undergraduate shitliberal arts courses!

213, 310, 323, 818, 626, 562, 424, and 747. Maybe 714 has some range in LA County, too. So 8, maybe 9.

Yeah, but all three countries are filled with amazingly hot chicks. So there's that.