
“The will of the people is the popular vote. The electoral college is specifically spurning the will of the people by voting for Trump.”

The will of the people hasn’t been in question as an actual political construct since fucking Rousseau. Trying to leverage that into modern day politics in like, any way is almost as absurd as asking why we’re not still holding Greek city-state style elections with the selfsame demographics.

If the election went solely to the popular vote then California and New York would decide every presidential election for the rest of the nation. The electoral college exists to prevent a few population centers from ruling the entire nation. It is not a flawed or outdated system. You and others like you crying

That’s the one thing the people don’t understand, that at both extreme sides of the political spectrum, both the right and the left are the same. Both will want absolute control, and both will want to enforce their views with force and destroy anyone who gets in their way.

...this is a bad attempt at a joke, right?

the electorial college is doing exactly whats its meant to do. give a voice to the numerous smaller states you dipwad. Did you learn any history in grade school or where you too busy skyping/face-timing/snap-chatting/facebooking and texting on your cellphone to actually participate in learning? I am about as liberal

You don’t understand how the selection of electors works or a federal system works.

It is not the will of the people when the bulk of the people in that 2 million reside in just 2 states, especially when one of those states have voting laws that are purposefully loose and every major municipality in it’s borders are sanctuary cities.

Literally the whole reason we have a republic and not a democracy is because the founding fathers (rightfully) did not trust the masses to make correct decisions.

You need education

You need to ask yourself if you would feel the same way had Trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college. I suspect that you would not.

The left has shown itself to be as equally deplorable as the right.

hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead

Just a few clarifications here. The Mig-29K that crashed a few weeks ago was circling waiting to land rather than in the process of landing. It was in a holding pattern waiting for, you guessed it, the arresting wire system to be repaired when it suffered a dual engine failure. It was initially believed to have run

Countries that want to project power/protect their foreign interests without causing World War 3, I guess?

So are these fake stories like Onion articles or are they like what I hear most of Brietbart’s are?

And I’m constantly unfollowed by Groupthink.

Unless you’re being ironic, you just illustrated his point.

Your childish invective, ironically, is hate speech.