
“As if manhood could ever be associated with him.”

Pelosi also reportedly noted that she was “trying to be the mom” in the room with Trump and Schumer bickering and trying to verbally punch each other in the balls.


There is, I believe, a conversation that could be had about an unease we (black people) might have with the Obamas’ post-White House relationship with money.

Thank you. No one - white or black - should give a fuck about the Obamas’ wealth. Why do so many people, on the left and the right, assume that if you’re not a right wing dotard, anything short of a vow of poverty = hypocrisy? It’s just commies and some hardcore socialists who don’t believe in a market economy or

Dear Maureen,

You are so often on point, but this is some dumbass timing. No one literally believes that Pittsburgh has a uniform culture of altruism and mutual respect. And some of us (you and I included) are 100% that such “aspirational” accounts of our city are total bullshit. If you think that these stories are literal, or not

Love doesn’t win wars, and that’s what we’re fighting. 

I’m guessing it’s kinda on that level of wypipo who name their kids Charity or Faith. Kinda like “hey, we’re both messed up in the head so let’s name our kid something that reminds us to not screw him up”.

I do remember equanimeous and his band of merry sibling names. Also, his parents having such plain Jane names is probably where it all went wrong for them. how one lands on Equanimeous though, is truly interview worthy.

My submission might seem pedestrian until you see the names of the rest of his siblings:

Fucking why do we do this. And it was unnecessary; Marvion Overshown is a borderline superhero name. It didn’t need the ‘de’.

And how much positive message should be necessary anyway? Back when I was in second grade, the teacher would offer us a choice: Neapolitan ice cream or being ass-raped by clowns. Most of the kids were smart enough to choose the ice cream, but there were always a couple who said, “I don’t know, I really don’t like

Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh—men who have never experienced any real disappointment or struggle or pain and are openly hostile towards and mocking of those who have—I just want those motherfuckers to lose.

Re: Obamas/McCains/Bushes: Mature people can put aside the things they disagree on and find common ground and act like adults. Politics didn’t used to be like this and it doesn’t have to remain like this, you can agree to disagree. Tell him that, but don’t let him think that it’s ok to not vote when people died (not

The minions of the racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people want people like you and me to stay home.

Yep — being part of the woodwork is of course being part of the problem. And there’s a lot of woodwork.

1) He “digressed” so many times, it was beautiful. I couldn’t tell if he was speaking candidly or if he had planned those parts of his speech, but they were the most raw and real—when he rightfully claimed credit for employment numbers and his other accomplishments, when he rebuked the writer of the NYT op-ed, when he

Man, I miss having a president who could string together coherent thoughts and speak about them in an educated and eloquent manner. 

Respectability is about policing the black community and making what we do acceptable to white folks, except that stage whisper nothing we do will ever be respectable enough for some of them. Case in point the first actually Black President of these here United States. Devoted family man, good father, good son in law,