
Shots fired! Justifiably.

I was yesterday years old when I learned that Ariana Grande is not Hispanic.

Michael Harriot is the Real MVP

I heard her do Natural Woman with The Roots on Jimmy Fallon right after the Queen passed. Never cared much about Arianna before that but she has the range.

There is no way in the year of our Lord that this service comes in a tick under 7 hours. I hope the mothers of the chuuuuch fried  plenty of chicken.

I like what you did there

Does anyone think that if her father was black/mother was white and both were acting exactly the same as now, there would be all this media sympathy for the father? Anyone?

There are no heroes but this sure is fun. Gotta do something while we plot the Blue Wave in the Mid-Terms.

Somebody either knows there are tapes or is afraid there might be. She saw Katrina Pierson get her face cracked.

People kill me worrying about what other people pay for child support. It is off a grid based on a percentage of income. Of course if the parties can agree it won’t get to that point.

Does ANYONE think for a second that if he was Cam from the hood instead of Cemeron from Palos Verdes (Wealthy if you are not from SoCal) that the outcome would be the same? ANYONE? I wonder how hard his family had to search to find him a Black lawyer.? No way they knew him before this happened.

My favorite post of the day/week/month/year!

This story makes me want to cuss. Instead I will just drop this here...

The message was loud and clear, plain AF


I agree. I am glad she is getting $$$ The problem is those are OUR pockets. They pay of the settlements with OUR tax money. This will only become a deterrent when people become outraged enough to actually vote for their mayor, city council and sheriff. That will bring change.

I agree. We should straight see people with their hair on fire. Instead too many are mumbling about ‘politics’. You cannot say this is normal often or loudly enough.


I have a field...

I am not the least bit surprised that trump tried to make this all about him. You could see that coming five miles away. Without fake victim hood what would he a suckabee have?