
Louis CK? I think he was considered pretty cool and accepted and his TV show was a hit with so many people and then...

Perhaps not as dramatic, but Jonah Hill? Supposedly there were rumors about him and of course Jay Baruchel’s prescience but I think for the most part he had a solid reputation.

I am trying to think of the last time a celebrity went from “seems nice and cool” to “holy crap, what a nasty psycho” this quickly. Maybe Ellen? Michael Richards (Kramer)? Do you all remember any other public image downfalls like this?

Are you kidding? If there were cracks in the relationship, a baby will finish breaking it. Adult baby Ariana Grande might have just been the cherry on the cake.

I thought the song was intended to be about being abused (and implicitly criticizing toxic relationships), rather than condoning abuse or toxicity? That said, Matchbox 20 was the first real concert I ever went to, so maybe I’m just biased.

Yeah, after Pitt I think.  I believe it was when he made Armageddon. I think I saw pics of them at the premiere. I could be wrong. 

Orca’s are wild animals, so to call them “sadistic jerks” or to assume they are “seeking revenge against humans” are both equally asinine efforts at projecting our motives onto another species. It’s just fucking stupid.

I agree. I always wonder if they have any kind of real research to show their extreme tactics accomplish anything positive at all.

Tone of this piece is odd. HOPE SHE’S HAPPY IN A GARAGE. If I made whatever $$$ she pulled for a couple hours recording VO in a garage I’d be happy as fuck.

I’ve confronted a couple of my former bullies, and they had no idea what I was talking about. “I guess hurting people is just what you do then, eh?” How can you be remorseful if you don’t know the shit you say or do is wrong?

during a conversation about how to diversify Clarkson’s audience, Duda asked the team, “Why don’t Black people want to come to the show? Why don’t Black people want to see Kelly?””

Amazing how he realized as he started his sobriety journey that maybe his marriage to another unwell person wasn’t a good idea, and walked away from the relationship. Someone call 911. Dude hasn’t said one negative thing about his ex, but here comes all the “He’s an awful person for moving on quicker than I wanted him

Gwyneth’s wellness routine seems to consist of “be rich enough that you don’t have to work, and then lollygag around all day and occasionally pick at real food”

That was my takeaway from the whole thing too when I saw it on the TikTakTook. She was straight up describing a diet that is controlled, lacking necessary vitamins, and unhealthy. I mean, good for her that she can afford someone to pump her full of fluids and necessary supplements from her disorder, but it is

It’s really important for me to support my detox.”

The fact that a guy with $200 in his checking account felt like he needed to pay for dinner when his date was a multi-millionaire... is what we call “patriarchy.

Psychotherapy is cool and all, but Doctors Feelgood are so much cheaper.

While I don’t agree with any of her bullshit and think she’s a harmful quack...I disagree that she looks “old and tired.” She’s 50, she’s always been very thin and she rarely wears makeup—she looks like a 50 year old woman. When she does wear makeup, she looks glowing and gorgeous. Like her or not, I don’t think

I start every day by injecting coffee straight into my veins. This avoids the upset stomach. I follow that with an hour of movement. Fortunately, I have a private bathroom.

Ah yes, requiring regular IVs for everyday living, definitely the mark of health.