
Yes, I agree. I think there is some nuance to actors transforming into characters even though Hazel made some excellent points. I don’t remember it totally, maybe watching it back today I wouldn’t like it so much, but as someone who was on the thinner side when I was younger and am now firmly on the fat side, I

I heard him say in an interview that when he’s joking everyone understands his playing a character, but when he’s serious or dark, he’s also playing a heightened version of himself and people are more likely to take that seriously. He’s in a loving committed relationship (he calls out his partner in the credits of the

Thank you for schooling me. I know nothing about fashion. I do stand by my opinion though. If it were more of a corset look that visible structure would make sense to me. I don’t think it fits here where the fabric is more draped around her.

Yes! I haven’t been following closely, but I haven’t heard any demands for him to apologize.

Yes! I just made my own comment about the cups/underwire. I couldn’t tell in the picture if it was the cup showing through the fabric, but there is actually a seam there. I looked it up. It’s a strange choice.

Generally I don’t mind her outfit (compared to Justin’s). The cups of the top look kind of weird to me. I wouldn’t tell if there was a seam or if the cups were just showing through the fabric. It’s a seam. Either way, I don’t like that. It should be one piece of fabric. I also think a closed toe shoe would have paired

When I read “Mr. Beiber’s outfit is largely fine”, my head went “WHAT?!” Then she’s goes on to describe why it is not largely fine (and nails the description by the way). Also wearing sneakers with a suit is like... hmm, ok if done right. I think it’s dumb how much we wear uncomfortable footwear, but this looks silly

Go for it! :)

This is cumbersome, but I think I found a work around... sort of. Someone just replied to me in grey and I obviously couldn’t find their comment in the comment section to star it so from my notifications, I clicked their name and went to their discussions tab and found the reply to me and clicked the little bookmark

To be fair, she said that stuff in her early twenties. I think she was trying to be provocative. I’m sure I had a lot of hot takes about my sexuality in my early twenties so I’m thankful no one was interviewing me about it.

Hey, hey, hey, don’t bring rationale into this.

Totally wanted to see this when I was a kid. Never got the chance. Now that I’m in my thirties, I have no interest in ever seeing it.

Yeah, sometimes people want to enjoy a refreshing interesting beverage, but (for whatever reason) don’t want the alcohol. Why does a delicious well made beverage have to have alcohol in it? Maybe the term mocktail is silly, but I do think it’s nice to have options other than water or pop. It’s totally a socialized

Now playing

The Chain of Dickbags. Similar in concept to The Chain of Screaming:

I’m sure mom was freaking out and was like “WHY did they show this?!” and the kid of like “IDK...” and the mom’s was like “They just put it on with no context!!!!!?” and the kid is like “idk...”

Damn. The self-righteousness of Chrissy Teigen in that tweet is just so the height of the world we live in today. Everyone is up in everyone’s business judging the shit out of them on the internet without even really being able to tell what is true and what is not.  And even if something is true, does that make up the

I popped my head in the rabbit hole. What I found was an interview his mom did for her book “A Full House of Growing Pains” in 2008. She wrote it at the urging of Kirk’s ministry partner, Ray. From the link: When Ray said this book could be a wonderful evangelistic tool, I reconsidered. I thought Who am I to say “no”

Haha, I copied that quote to as I was going to make a similar comment, but now I won’t bother. So funny for her to include that parenthetical.

Yay, comments! Jezebel is so much less fun without the comments.

Per the article she doesn’t even say she wants her kids to find partners that share their love for Jesus... she wants her kids to find partners that love Jesus like SHE does. ICK!