
That's a bit tricky, since Griffin has done a pretty good job of weaving the overall story throughout the various arcs. That being said, Crystal Kingdom is where they really took a turn in to both telling the larger story and in to an arc with a bit more going on from an emotional standpoint. Plus it was the first arc

One of the things that makes these boys wonderful is that they wouldn't use the word "pussy" (or any other word implying femininity for that matter) as an insult. A big part of their outlook on comedy and life is that we should all try to be a little less shitty to one another, and not considering femininity to be a

Can I ask how far in you listened? The first arc especially is goofy as hell, but between the massive amount of lore and world building that Griffin has done, and the original soundtracks he's composed, and the boys figuring out their characters' backstories and motivations there are a handful of episodes that I know

I'm thinking the people attending the viewing party of a show that he appeared in might have had an inkling of who he was.