
You’d think Dana White would be a better negotiator.

Shamefully, that was by far my favorite part of Compete.

I’m going to miss Deadspinners clicking on the article, going to the comments, and then complaining about how esports articles are on Deadspin.

I enjoyed compete as well as your recent run of deadspin articles.

Well I never would have guessed that Mike Leach is a dipshit MAGA loser

This is like 500 days of Kristen and I’m ok with it

Counterpoint: He should’ve been a first-ballot unanimous selection and is righteously petty about it.

Wow, Kevin Durant is really sensitive about his gruyere derriere.

Kevin Durant is a cop

The fact EA are the Konami of this sports market never ceases to bring me joy.

Bungie is turning into the Sam Bradford of videogames. Get various teams to throw $$$$$$$$ at you for broken injured messes because your college/first game were outstanding.

The community asked for deathmatch. Blizzard explained the heroes aren’t designed for deathmatch. Fans continued to ask. Blizzard relented.

Thanks to backwards compatibility it at least now has Lost Odyssey.

In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment

Whaaaaaaaa I have to learn how to adapt and can’t play the same way anymore Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa

There’s plenty of motivation for them to want to kick the Warriors’ dicks off over the next two weeks!

Fissure is the most handsome, best main tank, greatest in the world. Who is better than Fissure? Nobody.

RBI is “worthless” as a tool for evaluating individual performance because it is so heavily reliant upon factors over which the player has no control. It also has no predictive value. It is, however, a useful way to track notable events that occurred in each game.

They’re not good hitters because they have the most RBIs. Rather, people with the most RBIs happen to be best hitters because they’re good enough to play for a long time and often placed in the upper part of the lineup.

Well the only reasonable answer is that whoever finds that gauntlet and engages it will immediately remove half the players from the map AND get that boastworthy kill-count. Anything else is a half-measure, pun intended.