

Agree that it was nice to see Chevy Chase, and that it's weird that it's nice, because it's not like Pierce was even my favorite character. Maybe it's just cool that he and Harmon put their issues aside for awhile.

He was one of the Von Trapp kids, but we alll know what happened to that.
John Milhiser got some elf facetime at least. It's right in his wheelhouse.

Brasky is from 1995-96, the only year David Koechner (the bald guy) was in the cast. It's supposed to be in your face weird/kind of painful rather than ha ha funny, I think. It's a better use of Ferrell and Koechner than just having them show up like in the monologue, at least.

Yeah, for me it went from "Hey, Sound of Music, this might have potential" to "What, fucking Dooneese again? What the fuck?" It was a last-minute swerve into the familiar and reliably unfunny.
The show more or less recovered after the first commercial break, but it was a bad start/

So yes, Fox tried updating Romeo and Juliet with porn. Now it's trying an R&J update with drag racing. In another ten years it will be… I'm having trouble thinking of something outright dumb enough so that you know it's a joke.