I’ll give that a try once I finish my TJs.
I’ll give that a try once I finish my TJs.
45 only cares about how it looks; the stock market, the number of infected cases and deaths.
Thanks to an article on Lifehacker about lotion, you should avoid the ones with water since they can go bad and make your rash/dry skin worse. That’s why I use Trader Joe’s Head To Toe Moisturizing Balm. I’ve literally seen my hands heal after applying it.
That’s why I stay in the right lane when I do it. Gives the person behind me the chance to change lanes.
Forget where I read it but the article suggested staying in the middle or right lane, and going 20-30 mph until the you get past the point of the jam. Yes, you will be considered a jerk for driving so slow but you’re constantly moving instead of being at the tail end stopping/going.
I’m in NY. Once this coronavirus ends, we should get a meal together.
Your avatar has come full circle
After washing get a non water based hand cream. I’ve been using Trader Joe’s Head To Toe Moisturizing Balm and literally see my hands healing after applying.
Push a kid on a swing and they swing for one day. Teach a kid to swing and they swing for a lifetime.
They do the same at our office building
I’ve got a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey in my cupboard...
I’ll use hand sanitizer at work in addition to washing my hands because people don’t wash theirs after going to the bathroom/coughing into their hands/picking their nose.
Hook is such a bittersweet movie now
At one job, I used the bathroom while a coworker was going # 2. They left without washing their hands.
Thankfully Beth translated it for us.
we’ll do this again
Thank you
how was it?
Claire is GenX Sophia