They try and be historically accurate in terms of stuff like the overall design. Art and architecture, colors used in clothing, period accurate armor and weapons, etc.
None of that applies to the gameplay or narrative, which involves aliens and metaphysical time-travel. If these things were going for actual historical …
That’s ok. Most people did not get his joke at first. As you can see in the many articles on different sites, like IGN. It’s only bad if people don’t accept that they were wrong^^
She looks like David Bowie.
Or maybe, since the focus is on conflict, she can be a Horde-only raid boss, and the Alliance can get their own damn raid boss.
Judging by today’s standards... yeah, this is actually realistic compared to most of the stuff Marvel is putting out now. (For actual cartoon art, check out the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. The art is abhorrent.)
Ah yes, Hulk dooms Thor with his incredible pressure wave. In space. Good job, Marvel.
Jorien “Sheever” van der Heijden is lively when we sit down to chat. A five-time veteran of The International, this…
Absolutely Barbaric!
You get a star and +5 cool points for knowing who Asterix and Obelix are.
I haven’t played Destiny but Anthem looks like Destiny, atleast in terms of aethetic and visuals. Hope they don’t go for the rip-off route.
Dude went, high, all right; high right up side his motherfukin’ head. lol
Like someone used that arm for a cutting board.
Thank you very much for your concern, sir, but he does not need your religion, he has science and socialism and birthdays.
The one thing that has bothered me about Chuck was the terrible back and forth over the much-dreaded Unresolved Sexual Tension between Chuck and Sarah. UST sucks all the time, but when you drag it between 'they're dating!' and 'they don't want to talk to each other, oh noes!!' so many times for like, 2 and a half…