Crusty Old Dean

Maybe I'm just a soulless vampire, but the prolonged melodramatic death in A Hole in the World is just a little too schmaltzy for me. Something like the sudden death in Buffy's Seeing Red I find way more affecting. Also the business with Angel and Spike and the coffin was completely nonsensical.

Oh she was there. She just wasn't "driving".

Was I the only person who liked this show? It wasn't perfect or anything (the Ally McBeal-style animated vignettes were so cringeworthy) but I'm surprised by all the hate. I especially found the swedes and workplace stuff so freakishly on point, it's like barely even exaggerated. "Creativity moves at the speed of

It was on Veronica Mars too.

When people talk about Conan but they mean the barbarian and not O'Brien. Or when they talk about Drake and it's a rapper or something, not the star of the Uncharted games.

I would have probably liked it better if I had read it on the beach or something instead of listened to the audiobook, which was 13 hours long (I usually listen about 40 minutes a day). By the end it really dragged.

I'm on vacation with Majora's Mask. It's still great (that Clock Town theme though, driving me crazy!). I've never actually gotten all the masks so we'll see if this will be my definitive playthrough.

I'm in the same boat. So happy I've expanded my horizons genre-wise (always feeling a little left out when the rest of the world was playing Skyrim etc). My only gripe with these games is that it's so much WORK getting into them (understanding gwent, crafting and so on). The Witcher 3 is only now clicking for me,

The consequences are the same (everyone gets sprayed with fish) but Homer still did the right thing (or, didn't do the wrong thing more like).

Well, it makes a world of difference to someone who adheres to deontologian ethics, which I believe Lisa does (Lisa is the one who talks Homer out of it, right?).

Yes, I would buy Uncharted 4 if it came with something like a "95% less enemies"-mode (and I don't just want easier enemies – fewer). I enjoy the platforming, graphics and story in these games (and to a certain extent the puzzles, though you usually solve them by just looking up the answer in Drake's notebook) but the


It's probably safe to assume that Cloud's implied rape at the Honey Bee Inn won't make it though.

From what I understand it will pretty much be a completely new game, just with the same characters, setting and mostly the same story (but not like, the same script). Probably there will be a whole new battle system (still revolving around materia in some way).

I guess I'd be lying if I didn't say the Remake made the biggest impression on me at this years show. Not completely sure I actually want to play it though… I'm kind of scared it would erase my precious childhood memories from my mind, like how the Harry Potter movies have replaced the way I imagined the setting and

Special topics in Calamity Physics?

I think he/she means shelf space in the living room.

Sooo are you saying you think the game will have pre-rendered backgrounds? Because if not, that will be a pretty significant change I think.

It would have been really cool if the game looked like the original concept art. It would also make it easier to pull off some of the drastic shifts in tone (crossdressing, etc) if the characters were more cartoony.

Yeah, with voice acting that segment will be three times as long.