Yeah, I’m not sure copying a fairly generic look really qualifies as stealing someone’s intellectual property. Also, it’s one thing to have an outfit made to wear; it would be another if she started selling copies of the original look.
Yeah, I’m not sure copying a fairly generic look really qualifies as stealing someone’s intellectual property. Also, it’s one thing to have an outfit made to wear; it would be another if she started selling copies of the original look.
Personally while I think, there are similarities between Farrah Moan and Ariana Grande’s look, glitter bodices are not a new look.
It’s nothing resembling parity if the money isn’t coming from the actual employer.
The arrogantly shy are just quietly judging you. I agree with Wells.
“He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation... To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world —a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.”
You might prefer this view where the haircut is mostly covered. LOL.
In what way? He was never exonerated. Surely the year 2019 should have taught you something that the lack of indictment does not mean someone was cleared of wrongdoing.
Seriously. He met her when she was a child, and he was married to her mom. Fucking gross. Marrying your former step daughter is creepy enough, and basis for cancellation. Or at least it was for me, since I heard of this long before I read Dylan’s story.
Oh and grooming a teenager for sex..guess that’s okay too. the court docs.
Eagerly awaiting her interview in which she reveals how much she relies on OJ Simpson’s fantasy football advice to guide her drafting
Scarlett Johansson...
i find people like her very, very dangerous. like someone who would keep bringing their kids around predators because “they wouldnt hurt a fly” in the face of damning, convincing evidence to the contrary. i prefer tina knowles who wouldnt let any of the destiny child’s members near a rec studio with r.kelly.
Noted drunk asshole Orson Welle’s burns are downright PRESCIENT.
She just buried her last chance to win/get nominated for an Oscar, congrats, ugh.
During the making of Match Point Woody Allen would ask Scarlett Johansson questions like “tell me about when you lost your virginity”. So, even if Allen isn’t a rapey scumbag (he is) he’s certainly guilty of sexual harassment.
Even if he’s innocent of the more egregious charges, he still left his wife for her adopted daughter. The things that are facts should be enough. Who would want to engage with someone like that?
I recently listened to a David Lee Roth interview (Design Matters, with Debbie Millman) in which he brought up Bill Cosby and Woody Allen. He noted that years ago, they hung out at his aunt’s comedy place because of the girls. To me, it sounded like he was saying ya, those two were always creeps and everybody knew it.…