
I’ve built up a tolerance. If I have less than 400mg in my first hour of being awake I get grumpy and have a raging headache that won’t even go away after having my caff.

I just take 2 200mg caffeine pills when I wake up. And another 100mg when after my workout, when I get to the office. And maybe another 50-100mg in the afternoon. I don’t drink coffee.

At least works better in livery form...

Official Flag of God:

I don’t know, but I believe these are all only vehicles designed or intended to be regularly armed and flown into combat. My understanding of the UH-72 is that it is not armed or intended specifically for combat.

Note, no cargo craft are included here.

Uh oh. It’s ridiculously close to a mosque- The Islamic Center- and the Embassy Oman. Conspiracy theories confirmed.

That’s how it would work in Texas, and I believe both are community property states.

I don’t know. The tradition began in 1936 when a winner asked for a glass of buttermilk, as it was hot and he drank buttermilk when it was hot (?!) Other than that, the early tradition was ice water out of a silver jug- maybe you could bring that back. But since the ‘50s the American Dairy Association has sponsored

There is lactose-free milk, and it tastes exactly like regular milk. It’s just regular milk (available in fat free, 2%, or whole), but with lactase enzyme added- a flavorless enzyme that breaks down lactose that lactose intolerant people no longer produce.

No, Voluntary Manslaughter is causing the death of an another, when you meant to cause death or serious bodily harm, but with some extenuating circumstances that makes you less culpable than in a murder- most commonly something along the lines of heat of the moment. You got into an argument with someone, spur of the

Wear. Glow in the dark paint loses its shine fairly quickly, and isn't durable enough for roadway use.

A fully loaded RZR is like $25K MSRP, so with some modifications for the military, but with military/bulk discounts, I figure the MRZR is like $120K?

Yeah, when I hear about the benevolence of unions, I think about how they want to have all workers’ home addresses and phone numbers, you know, to make sure the election works out well, and they advocated to eliminate secret ballots for unionization.

Being in Texas makes it even better, given low cost of living and no state income tax.

RZRs can be bought in 4 seat configuration.

Agreed. We can all debate the merits and likelihood of Trump’s insistence he’ll force Ford to move jobs back from Mexico, but, ultimately, it would seem that Trump’s the only candidate really talking about that, at all.

I live in San Antonio, where we have a large Toyota plant, full of non-union auto workers, making

All states do this to a degree- the U.S. Constitution grants them sovereign immunity so, if they so chose, they could just refuse to pay anything. Texas’ cap is 250k/500k.

Here’s the deal- I don’t think the ultimate build quality we all want is possible, anymore. As larger manufacturers have had to invest and build in ever greater powertrain efficiency (300+ hp AND 30+ mpg) along with safety (walk away from a 45 mph head on collision), they’ve had to take away investment in perfect

First offense, citation, perhaps a probated sentence or deferred adjudication, insurance take care of damage.

Absent drugs, alcohol, racing, etc., even civilians rarely results in prison time. Trust me, this is my job.