
I don't know about Qatar, but A&M, generally, is one of the most conservative public universities in the U.S.

When I had to do pushups for testing purposes, I would work through various iterations of the pushup, all within the range of correct. I would star with a more traditional, wider stance, go until my shoulders started fatiguing, work in to a narrow stance until chest started to fatigue, then back into the arrow to

So, if during my 1:20 weight workout my heart rate fluctuates between 130 and 160, my Borg scale is 13-16? If so, good to know, I always hate those self-reported pain/exertion numbers and worry I’m inaccurate.

We’re in the process of buying a home, now. We’re under contract and are in the mortgage process. So far, so good. We didn’t use a buyer’s agent, but scoured online real estate sites and drove through neighborhoods until we knew, basically, which neighborhood and houses we really liked. I set up appointments with the

I’ve bought one house, working on second, and used to do real estate law. I don’t generally recommend mortgages from banks unless you have a preexisting, solid relationship with said bank. Mortgage lender/brokers are the way to go. You’ll actually have a person looking to get you a mortgage. He doesn’t get paid unless

It is heavily regulated, at the state level. And, at least in Texas, all rate increases have to be approved by the state commissioner who, despite being a “pro-business” Republican, has generally disagreed with rate hikes.

At fault collisions definitely count against the bad driver- having one at fault collision increases statistical likelihood of another in next 3 years. But, as another commenter said, while they know there will be a given number of collisions in a said area over a defined period, they don’t know who will be at fault,

I just switched from GEICO to Farmer’s and my monthly premium went from $165 to $97, to insure a new-ish, financed, car with “full coverage” and an older, paid-off truck with only liability and comprehensive. (No such term as “full coverage,” it means different things to different people- usually should’ve included

I’m torn. I have two kids and a dog, and would likely use the Raptor as a trip-vehicle (way bigger than wife’s CUV), so the crew-cab would be nice, but 12" is a lot of length off-road.

Platinum F-150.

Looks like they flattened/ smoothed out the fenders and haunches.

Technically, as a 2-earner household- attorney and teacher- in a low CoL area, we qualify as above-middle-class (upper class? I refuse to agree with that), but, throw in student loans, child care payments, paying off other debt, recovering from a layoff three years ago, changing jobs more than we should, etc., and we

You need better car insurance...

Buy leather seats.

I’m a Texas attorney. Several of the class-actions suits filed here rely on our Deceptive Trade Practices Act, on the theory that VW marketed the car as a “clean diesel” with certain horsepower, torque, mileage, etc., claims and the buyers relied on those claims in their decision to purchase the car. Taken to the

For when we’re home, we have Door Guardians on all of our exterior doors. They serve a dual purpose in that, for one, our young children can’t open them from the inside (place them a bit too high for them, and their too difficult to open for a 4- and 5-year-old), and they can’t be pushed open from the other side.

This is probably because one of the ingredients in Gas-X is sorbitol- a sugar alcohol which, in a large chunk of the population, causes defecation (usually diarrhea in large amounts).

To the subset of the population that can’t tolerate sugar alcohols, they cause bloating, painful gas, and diarrhea. Which makes it

A bit worried about painting a consumer vehicle in a gray camo pattern specifically designed to make estimating distance and speed of a ship more difficult, especially in fog or at dusk/twilight.

I have zero recollection of my dreams, even as I wake up. None.

It's not just kit cars. It's any car that is designed to approximately resemble a car design older than 25 years. A company may completely assemble and sell said replica.