
I’m an attorney. They’re very common in the legal industry. Mine makes up like 30%+ of my income.

Ford Shelby GT350R. Yes, it’s new, but it’ll probably retain its value fairly well.

That all depends on your definition of mass shootings. Mother Jones has tracked 73 mass shootings, in the U.S., since the ‘80s, defining them as an event in which 4 people were killed, in public, excluding domestic and gang violence. Another study includes all events in which 4 people were injured, in a shooting

Gray is a terrible color for a car. At dusk and dawn, or in gray weather, it blends in and is harder to see in traffic.

Nope. Most departments have a list of authorized firearms, in addition to whatever is issued. They want only firearms department armorers can work on, and want to make sure the officers can properly operate and qualify. There’s also some evaluation that goes into it regarding quality of firearm, etc.

I do know Kimber

So, apparently, going to sleep at 9, waking at 3:30, and getting up to pee 3x-5x per night isn’t normal, according to my wife.

A good number are operating either out of countries with no real extradition scheme, or where they’ve bought off local law enforcement.

You think ambulance rides are expensive, try a LifeFlite. Here in Texas, out in rural parts, it’s not all that uncommon for moderately injured people to be loaded into the helicopter for a quicker ride to a better hospital- just reviewed meds for a lady with a fairly bad laceration to her leg, given the flight from

So we’ve hit upon a fundamental difference in pro-gun and anti-gun people. Boiled down, pro-gun people, in a situation such as this, in a crowded area, no easy out, multiple well-armed attackers, authorities minutes away (not considering authorities’ need to arm, assemble, plan a breach, coordinate a counter-attack-

I would expect the opposite. Rates would go up, after the Fed announcement, fairly quickly, and, typically, the fastest anyone can close on a home is 30-60 days.

The F/A-18s used by the Angels have a particularly tight tension spring in the stick, in order to be more precise with their inputs. Flying it is, as a former pilot indicated, like curling a heavy weight, with one arm, for hours.

You can’t just call the U.S.’s debt. It’s in bonds, with a specified maturity date and interest rate.

My biggest issue with it is a. I’m pretty sure the arbitrator is wrong on the law and b. at least in Texas, there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it. At least with a judge/jury, if I thought they were wrong, I could appeal. I could even just use the pending appeal to negotiate a smaller settlement. In this case,

Here in Texas, for an arb clause to be legal, the signing party must have been read the clause, and informed of his/her right to have an attorney review the clause. In a recent case of mine, it came down to he said/she said, and the court kicked it to arb anyway because the presumption is that a person read everything

If you sue someone/something and there’s a binding arbitration agreement, the other party can move to compel arbitration and, after a hearing, the court will kick the case to arbitration.

Just defended a client that had moved to enforce an arb clause, and picked an arbitrator, before we got involved. The arb award was 10-20x higher than what it would have been had we gone to trial because we would’ve been able to limine a lot of stuff out and appeal any bad decision from the jury- the arbitrator

Everything Pettine has said and done since Manziel was drafted has telegraphed that he really has no intention of making Manziel the starter so long as someone, anyone (Uncle Rico?) else is available. Should McCown suck on Sunday- dollars to donuts he will- and Manziel not be put in or given an opportunity to win the

So what do you do to Ferrari? Ban the only team that’s consistently challenging Merc from a race or two? The rest of the season- the team deemed so important to F1 they're guaranteed the biggest piece of the team pie?

This is why Ford should re-introduce the Bronco, on a much shortened Raptor chassis with same suspension and engine.

Too right. Workers who, for the most part, have little education beyond high school or some vocational training making $52K to $62K is amazing, not even accounting for benefits and retirement. And people wonder why jobs are shipped overseas. If you continuously price yourself above the competition, expect to see