
Ultimately, I'm a big fan of executive compensation tied, primarily, to stock. If the role of an executive is to increase corporate performance, most often measured by stock value, then rather than paying millions, cash, pay a base salary with a crap ton of stock. Incentivize.

If I had the money (fingers crossed for $450M Powerball), I would be shopping for a late model 458, preferably in Speciale flavor, right now. As the last naturally aspirated V8 Ferrari, which holds the record as the most HP/L of any production naturally aspirated V8, and looks exceptionally beautiful, and performs

for instance, having a protective order entered in a domestic violence case makes a concealed carry license a no go, basically for years.

If my choices are shoot myself, or be taken by an angry mob, likely to be beaten to death, have my head cut off, etc., or even just be used for propaganda or negotiating for the release of prisoners, nah, I kill myself.

I actually think switching out the engine, by itself, requires additional federalization. If the tranny requires any modification to the floorplan or chassis, same thing.

Standard US Army loadout- 7 30 round magazines. 210 rounds. Even the best soldiers fail the "one-shot, one-kill" credo. If you're faced with an angry, violent, armed mob, you're not going to kill all of them.

The Atchafalaya Basis Bridge. 18.2 miles, narrow, over a damn swamp. And for those who suddenly become gripped with gastrointestinal distress early in it's venture, given this is Cajun food country, there's nowhere to turn around, nowhere to stop, alligators staring at you from either side, it's a nail biter.

Look at the VA in the US- it's the closest we have to a European-style nationalized health system. It serves just a small subset of the US population, with an annual budget of nearly $50B, and is constantly plagued by long wait times, poor service, bureaucratic inefficiency, etc. Most veterans who have used the

You are right, overall tax revenue is at an all-time high, but that money isn't necessarily being funneled to any particular small group.

- 24% of the budget goes to Social Security spending- 37.9 million retirees, 2.9 million spouses and dependents of retirees, 6.2 million surviving children and spouses of deceased

Agree to some extent, disagree to another.

A. The law be damned, especially as an Israeli soldier (I am not), I would prefer my compatriots, should they be unable to rescue me, put a bullet in my head.

B. This is why it is said you save 1 bullet for yourself.

I think, more than anything, their name kills them- even more so than for the original. Performance wise, even if it outperforms a 911 4S or GTS, or even a Turbo, no Porsche buyer will cross-shop an Acura. Anyone who wants an R8 is in the same boat. The new McLaren may be in this price range. And Viper, GT-R, and Z06

My point is, right or wrong, now that we live in a globalized world, where relocation is fairly easy, a business will relocate to another market if it is financially advantageous. They aren't going to sit idly by, saying, "yeah, our taxes have gone up, it's costing us millions, but we're not moving over there, where

Which should go to show that over- taxation and regulation can drive businesses elsewhere.

Ford's GT350, with the Tech Package, will be under $56K. So for like $10K less you get a track-dedicated monster with the latest generation of magnetorheological dampeners and a naturally-aspirated flat-plane V8 making over 550 horsepower. Heat soak power loss, anyone?

Private job growth is a faster track to economic prosperity than government spending. Having a government generate incentives to spurn private growth is a recipe for success.

I don't think there was ever any specific rule against front/mid layouts- they just, generally, aren't all that competitive, compared to rear/mid layouts.

convertibles are for women and men in midlife crises. I am neither.

Everyone wants to, eventually, someday, drive for Ferrari.

It's believed to be for two years with an option for a third. Alonso is 33, would be 36 at the end of the two year term, 37 if a third. The same age as Webber when he jumped to Porsche.