
No, the competition is much more cut-throat today. Not only are there so many more serious manufacturers offering very competitive vehicles, but there are so many more classes of vehicle that offer performance today, such as the Civic Si and WRX to the Kia Stinger. Since you can get performance out of so many classes

Dude, what are you blathering about? Consumer preferences ABSOLUTELY drive the market. They make cars that people want, and cars that people don’t want go bye-bye. You have so many fundamental misconceptions about even kindgergarten-level market theories crammed into so few words that it’s unbelievable.

For me, it’s about finding the sweet spot on the depreciation curve. The 2011 Flying Spur was $210,000 when new, and is now $65k asking price, I bet they come down to $61,000-$62,000 if you offer it. So 9 years to depreciate about $150,000? Sure. That ‘91 Turbo R, on the other hand is 3 times older, but since

But those cars will EVENTUALLY be $10k or less in cost. Because by your argument, there’s a wave of twice as many new cars that are just aging away.

The fact that you can’t get a car cheaper is due to the fact that because of the recession, up to 25 million cars were never even manufactured, much less sold, between 2007 and 2015. Which has pinched the market on both sides. It has nothing to do with cars being simpler. Cars are SIMPLER because they last longer

Great, well the plural of anecdotal evidence is not data. No, a 10 year old Honda is NOT leagues better than a 10 year old Kia/Hyundai, and this is based off of personal experience AND market data.

You do it by setting a budget, and being deliberate about your spending and your free time.

That doesn’t make any sense. If people are leasing, then they’re only leasing cars for usually 36 months, which means that if they’re only keeping their cars for 30,000 miles instead of 70,000 miles, then there should be twice as many used cars on the road. Your evidence shows the opposite of what you’re trying to

Have you ever owned a vehicle with a carb? You are in la-la land. 10 years ago, buying a 1989 vehicle meant fussing with stupid stuff that was always going wrong, with leaks, etc. Today, a 1999 vehicle? That’s relatively bulletproof, I can get in and drive. Cars today are exponentially more reliable, and EASIER for

For the BRAND NEW one, sure. The Corolla and Civic were pieces of crap in the 2000's and early 2010's, until they realized that sales SLIGHTLY started dipping finally from them being at the bottom of rankings. The new Corolla hatch is trick. The newest gen Civic is trick. But that’s after the CEO apologized for Honda

Dude, go look at the cash for clunkers list. Now go look at car sales 2005-2015. The market isn’t 70% higher because of old Grand Cherokees and Windstar vans getting sent to the scrap yard!

Hard disagree. Getting rid of a few hundred thousands 1980's and 1990's cars didn’t affect jack. However, the great recession meaning that we missed out on TENS of millions of cars post-2005 that otherwise would have been in the market? that’s something.

Cash for Clunkers was almost zero effect on the used market. Getting rid of old early 1990's Grand Marquis isn’t what screwed up the used car market. It was the fact that due to the recession, over 15,000,000 cars that otherwise would have been in the market failed to exist. Go look at car sales 2005-2015 and you’ll

Its because the longer wheelbase is more desirable for a serious off-road build. 2wd Wranglers are also more rare, but that doesn’t make them more desirable.

The 4 door has a wheelbase much closer to the LJ, which is superior for most offroading situations, save for very tight stuff, think dense forest. There’s a reason the LJ is a legend that sells for exponentially more than a standard TJ, and why companies have stretching services to get the 2 door wheelbase “where it’s

The RX-7 was expensive. In 1994 it was $37,000. As a comparison, the Corvette was $36,000. Compare that to the move down market that the RX-8 took, the 350Z, etc. during the the mid 2000's. In 2004 an RX-8 was $26,000 while the 2004 Corvette was $44,000. So the FD RX-7 was something that people with money were

Those are car salespeople hell bent on selling cars. You seem to have completely misinterpreted the comment.

Nope, sorry. You sign a social contract. You agree part of society. It’s not his land, it’s this country’s land. Today, he’s hurting the property values of his neighbors through his selfishness. If he had passed away with all of these cars, then it would be the township’s problem to clean up, at great cost to all

You clearly didn’t read any of the other comments before replying. Scroll up and read the people that commented before you. HUNDREDS of us Jalops either traveled there, or talked to Ron. Read the article again, where he clearly admits that he ignored a judgement order against him just because he was crossing his

Oh, what a sweet, naive person you are. Go google dark tourism and after 15 minutes, you too will have no faith left in humanity. I don’t even want to watch Dark Tourist on Netflix. Knowing that it exists is chilling enough.