Aging Disgracefully

It's funny because English isn't her first language!

So, the movie is named "The Devil's Advocate." Never mind the trailer, it's already spoiled in the title. They could have gone with "Al Pacino: Devil Lawyer (who is literally the devil)"

I consummated my marriage at Disney World. Sort of. Actually, it was Six Flags. And I'm not married.

Nope. I saw this at a screening a couple of weeks ago. It never makes it to anywhere near charming.

Are people really that hungry for pizza after doing that much cocaine though?

Missing a Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzennegger movie. I forget the name…

My Blue Heaven is a fucking masterpiece, so this entire essay is invalid.

Yeah, really. 2112, Fly By Night, and their first album look like they were drawn by a 17 year old RUSH fan. Even the band hates the Hemispheres cover. (I am an enormous RUSH fan)

Most RUSH covers.

Didn't "I Want a New Drug" and "Ghostbusters" (especially) both rip off The Bar-Kays' "Soul Finger"?

Wait, how is it "night" if you can see the sun? That's pretty much the definition of "day".

Spice World.

This article makes no mention of Caress of Steel.  If you don't have an opinion about The Fountain of Lamneth, then you don't really have an opinion about RUSH anyway.