Schindler's Assist

..... I'd demand a refund.


Ha, thank you.... I think. Be thankful that you only have to read what I say, rather than have to deal with my Northern accent!

Hhhmmmmm, I’m suspicious of this chap. I think he may be trying to cash in on his Englishness (being the ‘other’ and therefore more interesting than he actually is), and there’s no reason to think that an American wouldn’t at least know of Dr Who’s existence. Most Brits, even if they dont know the details, will have

I guess a more socialist state promotes capitalism, but not at the complete expense of it’s workforce and the society it is in. The difficulty arises when a company wants to lay off it's workforce to relocate abroad for cheaper labour. Subsidising only goes so far ....

Field hockey sounds like that could be the same thing; im only aware of two hockeys.... Ice and regular (my own terminology). I guess the north-eastern US is where most top universities are and perhaps affluent towns; sounds like the same clientele as here.

Yeah, football for girls was practically non-existant when i was in high school (late 90s) and I don’t believe it’s much better now. England ladies are a good side, but the interest is zilch here, where the US ladies seem to be demi-gods in the US. My understanding is that soccer is seen as a bit effeminate in the US

He must be referring to actual (I’m sorry to describe it as thus) hockey, as opposed to ice hockey. He’s probably being a tit, but if you said ‘this is a hockey jersey’, he may be dumb enough to think it’s the version of hockey on turf (or whatever) where you run, instead of the ice version. Regular (to us) hockey is

True, to an extent. But such things need to be paid for and without the free market and capitalism, all these things are harder to sustain. I come from a line of Lancashire coal miners I can only relate the tales of wanton picketing when a good proportion of people wanted to simply work.

Thanks for the explanation chum! That makes total sense; sort of like a hail mary play or sending your goalkeeper up for a corner in the last minute in football/soccer.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m actually disappointed as I agree so much that I have nothing to add! Haha

I’m lost. Why is there no goalie (I’m British, so have no idea what’s going on)? Good effort by the way, whoever you are....

I know. I’m historically a Labour supporter (until recently) and so I have no problem with socialist policies, but I find ‘socialists’ to be a troublesome bunch. I think anyone who’s firmly on one side has issues.... the ideal is to take the bits that work from each ‘ism’ and discard the rest.

People shouldn’t use Venezuela as a comparison to what your country will be like with some socialist policies, however they should see whether said socialists are apologists for what has happened to Venezuela. I’m looking at you Jeremy Corbyn! You can still be a socialist and criticise (so-called) socialists at the

It's the only thing preventing from us starting World War III, you should be thankful.

Freekicks in the defending half are rarely pulled back that far as the benefit of those metres versus the ball-ache of enforcing the rule is heavily weighted in the latter. That Leverkusen conceded at that point is all on them being ill-prepared or just plain shit.

The difference between respect in football and rugby is night and day; I’m not sure why that is but the attitude has been allowed to fester and get to this point. It can only be stamped out by enforcing the rules/etiquette strictly; harsh banning until players/managers/clubs change their ways, whether it’s in-game or

Cheers for clearing that up; I didnt actually know that that was the case. Have you seen the prosecution’s opening gambit? If true, I don’t see him getting a light sentence at all and I'd say this seems to be a lot clearer cut than the Ched Evans case... plus it involves a child...

You asked ‘What the hell England, how is age of consent 16' and I, as an Englishman, gave you an answer. I told you what role a 16 year old can have in society, implying that they’re going to have sex as they’ve entered the adult world, so age of consent is set at 16 so that teens aren’t criminalised for something

I don't think he'll get out before he'd have retired anyway, so i wouldnt worry about clubs signing him.