

How about the other way around?

I think a better option would be to take the Type R and make it look like a ‘normal’ Civic (which is slightly less ugly).

Shouldve painted it camo

Why don’t you turn it on? Curious

Now he can buy aftermarket bumpers to improve the look.

Can someone point out where it was wrecked? It’s so ugly I’m not sure what’s damage and what’s horrible design choices.

Somewhat tangential:

Damn, that CTR was a hot mess even before the accident - it’s like the designers couldn’t tolerate a square foot of sheet metal without slapping some sort of crease/ accent/feature/vent/whateverthefuck on it.

Man wrecks Type R, representative for Honda says that they’re studying the wreckage for design cues on Type R redesign

These cars are so ugly that other drivers subconsciously block them from view.

What a tragic, mangled mess.
And then he had the accident.

You’re an idiot. Gasoline is stored in sheds all around the world. Gasoline is stored in shops all around the world. He’s an idiot for not being careful. And he’s a bigger idiot, for thinking he can lie and blame the dealership. Hell, both of you are idiots.

So it’s okay to lie? No wonder why you like President Goofball. GTFO here with your fakenews shit. This guy was trying to blame the fire on the dealership and would have tried to sue the dealership.

He lied. He was exposed and caught. Have a nice day.

Can’t blame the guy buffing the floor above someone who left flammable material out. Also, horrible local “claims contradicted” news people are horrible.

“eff this news station”?

So his story went up in flames?

It’s called Securing, Luke, and suck it nerd.

I’ve seen too many would be goals saved at the last second. There’s no excuse to not drive a ball in even if its on its way. That’s assuming you don’t hit it off course and make it miss. There’s no reason to be prideful on a team...that is the absolute worst thing from a logical standpoint. When it comes to winning,