I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for such an entertaining read.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for such an entertaining read.
Not to mention vehicles passing through other vehicles in many of the intersections.
Wow. You’re complete utter garbage.
Go away. Your narcissistic attitude regarding your own ideas is not wanted here.
Didn’t think BMW released their minivan in the USA yet. :D
It’s also trying to break the universe by having the same matter occupy the same space and time as you can see here with the end of the bed.
LOL this is awesome! Bravo!
Prius drivers are often the most anesthetized of the appliance drivers.
Still shouts, “I’m having a mid-life crisis.”
You do realize that in the demonstration video the wheels never leave the ground UNLIKE in your video, where the wheels are off the ground.
In regards to admitting that... “You’re either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid.”
That’s why I, and several others, are holding onto their 2015 RS5s.
Wow that was great! I’m an agnostic theist and never have I read truer words.
See how much traffic you can avoid if you go 100 mph plus? Serious/Not serious
Wanted to add and confirm that when he is being loaded onto a backboard both his neck and face are ashen gray. Very sad.
Millennium Dome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Dome
I think you mean, the “Millennium Dome”
Look at 19 seconds in. Look at how much the one barge is moving. Tied down, perhaps, but you cannot tell me that type of movement doesn’t add to the impressiveness of this stunt.