
They are in the same division so they always have to play eachother every year.

Let those tratorous bastards stay in the ACC. I have my eyes on bringing in ND and converting more basketball only schools. (Can I add FCS teams?)

You mean DRM that everyone claims to hate?

From a general on field gameplay perspective NCAAF11 was pretty close to perfect. If they have fixed the issues they say they have, players warping to the ball or getting sucked in to tackles and blocks, then I'll be happy. I also hope they have many more team specific intros. I'm sick of watching the marching band

If he didn't follow the rules then he didn't win it. The rules say the contest begins April 1st. Saying he won is like saying a runner won the marathon because they posted a record time in a practice run.

With older arcade games a skilled player can typically rack up enough extra lives to be able to take a break from time to time. I recall hearing about Gauntlet players getting enough lives to be able to go to bed for the night and come back to play in the morning.

You aren't buying the right version then. Home and Student is $114 on Amazon (was on sale for cheaper at the end of last year) and includes a license for installation on up to three computers. That's a bargain when it comes to productivity software.

How so? Microsoft offers software products for the Mac and iPhone.

The original Pokemon games didn't have colored carts in Japan.

An emulator isn't the same as the real thing. Case in point, if the games "look amazingly better" then you aren't faithfully recreating the original experience.

No more than fansites like Bulbapedia and or FAQs and fanguides.

What about it not being for Mac makes it homosexual?

I'm fairly certain that both Yakuza and Motorstorm were also delayed because releasing a game in Japan this week, regardless of content, would be a tremendous waste of resources. I imagine that's why the MvC3 characters were delayed as well.

@Chrono Abu Noura: Sorry, Red Dead Redemption was a great game and Blue Dragon was a rote JRPG that just doesn't fly anymore.

@archronos: They changed engines almost every time a new one came out. They never really got to the polish phase.

@ddhboy: Yep. The fragmenting Android market is going to be such a problem for WP7... Because I want my updates to be at the whims of my carrier or handset manufacturer.

@muzicman82: How do you know you're clean if you don't have antivirus? Viruses and trojans don't necessarily present the user with symptoms of infection. You could have a zombie PC on a botnet and not even know it.

@GearBoxClock: That's like saying Final Fantasy II has no connection to Final Fantasy I.

@WFROSE: To the contrary most Art Institute schools are accredited at the state level (such as the one in question that is accredited by the state of Florida). Point being that not all "for profit" schools are diploma mills. Many trade schools, culinary academies and arts schools have to be for profit because for

The Art Institutes are far from small and shady institutions. Most of them are accredited (the one in Fort Lauderdale is licensed by the state of Florida). A degree is not a magical golden ticket to employment, it's a gateway to hard work; you have to work hard to get it and then you have to work hard to get a job.