
@Chewblaha: And that is what the squib kick is for.

@fooproof: Bullshit, sir, bullshit.

@BadassSailor: The IR sensor in the Wii remote is basically a camera.

@BallPtPenTheif: I will admit that I only played the demo. Still that was enough to convince me that Euphoria is terribly impressive in animating football players but not enough to sell me on a game that changes the controll dynamic so heavily.

Am I the only one who thinks that Backbreaker's graphics are awful? They clearly chose the futuristic combat armor uniforms to make up for the engine's short comings, and all of the player models are built the same way. Kickers and QBs look like linesmen. Ever since the beginning Backbreaker hasn't been a full-fledged

@poroporo001: that means 68.8 percent aren't interested in buying one. That's more than a two-thirds majority.

@Kobun: The NHL has sudden death OT. Goals in hockey are less common than field goals though. Still it's not a full period if one team scores.

@Kobun: There's still consideration for the new OT rules to be extended to the regular season. Either way it's a step in the right direction.

@tsathoggua: Fallout was mentioned in the turn-based rpg section. All of those games after all are turn-based RPGs

@CommittedToExcellence: Seconded. There was a lot to love about APF2K8. Especially considering that they had an extended hiatus from making football games.

@dkl415: What does Nietzsche have to do with this?

@00Bear00: Reading comprehension fail.

@Soho: But not Aero Peek

Or you can press Print Screen and Windows (XP and up) will automagically copy a screencap to your clipboard. Use Alt + Print Screen to cap only the active window.

@Dignan17: Grasping an oven rack with an oven mitt is a recipe for disaster. The racks can get a lot hotter than your cooking vessel and burn through your mitt. You run the risk of touching an upper rack with an unprotected part of your body, and if the rack comes off the rails you have a chance to tip whatever you

Anything requiring glasses we can call "bullshit fad that won't last" or "marketing ploy to sell more TVs".

@Michael McMeans: Even George Lucas knows you need to resolve something the the second act of a trilogy.