
@mdo7: What you should have said is that it's kind of unique and definitely buggier than Halo's multi.

@NadaNuff: Yeah, cause Reggie has anything to do with this.

@Briz9: The twist ending to Crackdown 2 was retarded. It's much better that they are ignoring it.

@arionfrost: People also used to wipe their asses with their left hand.

At least it's not a series based on the novel by Sapphire. I think that would get uncomfortable.


@robnroll: Pester your local game developers to have contests. International laws (plus shiping) make it difficult for contests to be multinational. There's no racism involved.

@hellodon: Work with Adobe? Are you kidding? Jobs hasn't been very good at hiding the fact that he basically hates them.

@Jennacide: NO. Hydrophobia as a fear of water is a colloquial definition. Aquaphobia is the proper term. This is why rabies is the first definition.

@Owen Good: Mine puts Miami, Virginia Tech, and Boston College at the top. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out why.

@Jmans Revenge: If you looked close enough you'd see that it's not a game but a piece of productivity software.

@bnui_ransder: If you have such a problem with that you could go sell it on ebay, Amazon, or any of the other game trading sites. You do have a choice.

@Teancum: This has nothig to do with GameStop exclusives. It has more to do with publishers packing in single use codes that give a new copy of a game more "value" than a used copy.

@Erwin: I'm going to take assisted suicide and terminal illness off the table. Those are clear instances of pain and suffering that can only end in death.

@Harrison Schaerr: Takes more balls to tough out life. Suicide is a coward's choice.

@BryanH: These wouldn't pass muster at most larps. They don't have enough give and are kind of dangeous.

@MetaKz: Imagine that. An American named Hank...

@Coreboy: It's not an issue of leaks, rather there are fewer legal protections afforded users of PayPal than users of credit cards.