
@girvanryan: Maybe in your game. Everyone survived in mine.

@one800higgins: If you set your taskbar to never combine or only combine when full then your open programs will have labels.

Line drying your clothes outside is a great way to bring your outdoor allergies indoors. Just something to keep in mind.

Now playing

All men want to pretend their hand is a gun.

I'm not buying it. Not the system, the story. Nintendo is too smart to cannibalize their own market this way. Considering that they haven't even finished releasing the DSi XL it's unlikely they'd release another handheld until at least next year. They wouldn't even announce one until E3 2011 either.

The PA Turnpike is not a freeway

@riceKRISPYninja: It didn't get approved. It's a cheap Chinese bootleg.

@L___E___T: The Constitution really has nothing to do with this. If the parents had shown the smallest amount of responsibility with their firearms this wouldn't have happened.

@develin: There is an ending to Spelunky.

@Atuin: How about you do it to suport the developer?

@Metalive: The Mako was a turd that couldn't shoot straight.

@DRaGZ: except for the part where it wouldn't shoot where you were aiming.

Bash, it's breathe not breath. This error has become all too common.

@Syptel: Most of us don't.

@Jake W.: There was harly anything for him to direct.

@Squirrelbot3000: Transgendered is the umbrella term that encompases transexual and transvestite among other things. Dr. Frank N. Furter has nothing to worry about.